
2008 * 2012 * 2016

Rules of Golf 2008

Appendix I: Part A


As provided in Rule 33-8, the Committee may make and publish Local Rules for abnormal conditions if they are consistent with the policy established in this Appendix. In addition, detailed information regarding acceptable and prohibited Local Rules is provided in "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" under Rule 33-8 and in "Guidance on Running a Competition".
If local abnormal conditions interfere with the proper playing of the game and the Committee considers it necessary to modify a Rule of Golf, authorisation from the R&A must be obtained.

1. Defining Bounds and Margins

Specifying means used to define out of bounds, water hazards, lateral water hazards, ground under repair, obstructions and integral parts of the course (Rule 33-2a).

2. Water Hazards

a. Lateral Water Hazards
Clarifying the status of water hazards which may be lateral water hazards (Rule 26)

b. Ball Played Provisionally Under Rule 26-1
Permitting play of a ball provisionally under Rule 26-1 for a ball which may be in a water hazard (including a lateral water hazard) of such character that if the original ball is not found, it is known or virtually certain that it is in the water hazard and it would be impracticable to determine whether the ball is in the hazard or to do so would unduly delay play.

3. Areas of the Course Requiring Preservation: Environmentally-Sensitive Areas

Assisting preservation of the course by defining areas, including turf nurseries, young plantations and other parts of the course under cultivation, as ground under repair from which play is prohibited.
When the Committee is required to prohibit play from environmentally-sensitive areas that are on or adjoin the course, it should make a Local Rule clarifying the relief procedure.

4. Course Conditions - Mud, Extreme Wetness, Poor Conditions and Protection of Course

a. Lifting an Embedded Ball, Cleaning
Temporary conditions that might interfere with proper playing of the game, including mud and extreme wetness, warranting relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green or permitting lifting, cleaning and replacing a ball anywhere through the green or on a closely-mown area through the green.

b. "Preferred Lies" and "Winter Rules"
Adverse conditions, including the poor condition of the course or the existence of mud, are sometimes so general, particularly during winter months, that the Committee may decide to grant relief by temporary Local Rule either to protect the course or to promote fair and pleasant play. The Local Rule should be withdrawn as soon as conditions warrant.

5. Obstructions

a. General
Clarifying the status of objects that may be obstructions Rule (24).
Declaring any construction to be an integral part of the course and, accordingly, not an obstruction, e.g. built-up sides of teeing grounds, putting greens and bunkers (Rules 24 and 33-2a).

b. Stones in Bunkers
Allowing the removal of stones in bunkers by declaring them to be movable obstructions (Rule 24-1).

c. Roads and Paths
(i) Declaring artificial surfaces and sides of roads and paths to be integral parts of the course, or
(ii) Providing relief of the type afforded under Rule 24-2b from roads and paths not having artificial surfaces and sides if they could unfairly affect play.

d. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green
Providing relief from intervention by immovable obstructions on or within two club-lengths of the putting green when the ball lies within two club-lengths of the immovable obstruction.

e. Protection of Young Trees
Providing relief for the protection of young trees.

f. Temporary Obstructions
Providing relief from interference by temporary obstructions (e.g. grandstands, television cables and equipment, etc).

6. Dropping Zones

Establishing special areas on which balls may or must be dropped when it is not feasible or practicable to proceed exactly in conformity with Rule 24-2b or 24-3 (Immovable Obstruction), Rule 25-1b or Rule 25-1c (Abnormal Ground Conditions), Rule 25-3 (Wrong Putting Green), Rule 26-1 (Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards) or Rule 28 (Ball Unplayable)

Appendix I: Part B


Within the policy set out in Part A of this Appendix, the Committee may adopt a Specimen Local Rule by referring, on a score card or notice board, to the examples given below. However, Specimen Local Rules of a temporary nature should not be printed or referred to on a score card.

1. Water Hazards, Ball Played Provisionally Under Rule 26-1

If a water hazard (including a lateral water hazard) is of such size and shape and/or located in such a position that:
(i) it would be impracticable to determine whether the ball is in the hazard or to do so would unduly delay play, and
(ii) if the original ball is not found, it is known or virtually certain that it is the water hazard,
the Committee may introduce a Local Rule permitting the play of a ball provisionally under Rule 26-1. The ball is played provisionally under any of the applicable options under Rule 26-1 or any applicable Local Rule. In such a case if a ball is played provisionally and the original ball is in a water hazard, the player may play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally, but he may not proceed under Rule 26-1 with regard to the original ball.

In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended:

" If there is doubt whether a ball is in or is lost in the water hazard (specify location), the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 26-1.
If the original ball is found outside the water hazard, the player must continue play with it.
If the original ball is found in the water hazard, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally under Rule 26-1.
If the original ball is not found or identified within the five-minute search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally.

Match play - Loss of hole;   Stroke play - Two strokes."

2. Areas of the Course Requiring Preservation; Environmentally-Sensitive Areas

a. Ground Under Repair: Play Prohibited
If the Committee wishes to protect any area of the course, it should declare it to be ground under repair and prohibit play from within that area.  The following Local Rule is recommended:
"The ______________ (defined by __________) is ground under repair from which play is prohibited. If a player's ball lies in the area, or if it interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing the player must take relief under Rule 25-1.

Match play - Loss of hole;   Stroke play - Two strokes."

b. Environmentally-Sensitive Areas
If an appropriate authority (i.e. a Government Agency or the like) prohibits entry into and/or play from an area on or adjoining the course for environmental reasons, the Committee should make a Local Rule clarifying the relief procedure.
The Committee has some discretion in terms of whether the area is defined as ground under repair, a water hazard or out of bounds. However, it may not simply define such an area to be a water hazard if it does not meet the Definition of a "Water Hazard" and it should attempt to preserve the character of the hole.

The following Local Rule is recommended:

"I. Definition
An environmentally-sensitive area (ESA) is an area so declared by an appropriate authority, entry into and/or play from which is prohibited for environmental reasons. These areas may be defined as ground under repair, a water hazard, a lateral water hazard or out of bounds at the discretion of the Committee provided that in the case of an ESA that has been defined as a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, the area is, by Definition, a water hazard.
Note: The Committee may not declare an area to be environmentally-sensitive.

II. Ball in Environmentally-Sensitive Area
a. Ground Under Repair

If a ball is in an ESA is defined as ground under repair, a ball must be dropped in accordance with Rule 25-1b.
If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as ground under repair, the player may take relief, without penalty, as prescribed in Rule 25-1c.

b. Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards
If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as a water hazard or lateral water hazard, the player must, under penalty of one stroke, proceed under Rule 26-1.
Note: If a ball dropped in accordance with Rule 26 rolls into a position where the ESA interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing, the player must take relief as provided in Clause III of this Local Rule.

c. Out of Bounds
If a ball is in an ESA defined as out of bounds, the player must play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5).

III. Interference with Stance or Area of Intended Swing
Interference by an ESA occurs when the ESA interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing. If interference exists, the player must take relief as follows:
(a) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference by the ESA, and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The player must lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course which fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above.
(b) In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball either:
(i) Without penalty, in the hazard, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course that provides complete relief from the ESA; or
(ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard, keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped. Additionally, the player may proceed under Rule 26 or 28 if applicable.
(c) On the Putting Green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player must lift the ball and place it, without penalty, in the nearest position to where it lay that affords complete relief from the ESA, but not nearer the hole or in a hazard.
The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause III of this Local Rule.
Exception: A player may not taker relief under Clause III of this Local Rule if (a) it is clearly unreasonable for him to make a stroke because of interference by anything other than an ESA or (b) interference by the ESA would occur only through use of an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play.

Match play - Loss of hole;   Stroke play - Two strokes.

Note: In case of a serious breach of this Local Rule, the Committee may impose a penalty of disqualification. "

3. Protection of Young Trees
When it is desired to prevent damage to young trees, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"Protection of young trees identified by ____________________ . If such a tree interferes with a player's stance or the area of his intended swing, the ball must be lifted, without penalty, and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 24-2b (Immovable Obstruction). If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i) except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard or the player may proceed under Rule 26. The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Local Rule.

Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if (a) it is clearly unreasonable for him to make a stroke because of interference by anything other than the tree or (b) interference by the tree would occur only through use of an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play.

Match play - Loss of hole;   Stroke play - Two strokes."

4. Course Conditions - Mud, Extreme Wetness, Poor Conditions And Protection Of The Course
a. Relief for Embedded Ball; Cleaning Ball

Rule 25-2 provides for relief, without penalty, for a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark in any closely-mown area through the green. On the putting green, a ball may be lifted and damage caused by the impact of a ball may be repaired (Rules 16-1b and c).  When permission to take relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green would be warranted, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"Through the green, a ball that is embedded in its own pitch-park in the ground may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green.
Exception 1: A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if the ball is embedded in sand in an area that is not closely mown.
Exception 2: A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if it is clearly unreasonable for him to make a stroke because of interference by anything other than the condition covered by this Local Rule.

Match Play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two Strokes"

b. Cleaning Ball
Conditions, such as extreme wetness causing significant amounts of mud to adhere to the ball, may be such that permission to lift, clean and replace the ball would be appropriate. In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"(Specify area) a ball may be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty.
Note: The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under this Local Rule - see Rule 20-1.

Match Play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two Strokes"

c. "Preferred Lies" and "Winter Rules"
Ground under repair is provided for in Rule 25 and occasional local abnormal conditions that might interfere with fair play and are not widespread should be defined as ground under repair.
However, adverse conditions such as heavy snows, spring thaws, prolonged rains or extreme heat can make fairways unsatisfactory and sometimes prevent use of heavy mowing equipment. When such conditions are so general throughout a course that the Committee believes "preferred lies" or "winter rules" would promote fair play or help protect the course, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"A ball lying on a closely-mown area through the green [or specify a more restricted area, e.g. at the 6th hole] may be lifted, without penalty, and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within [specify area, e.g. six inches, one club-length, etc.] of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.
A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed (Rule 20-4). If the ball fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed, Rule 20-3d applies. If the ball when placed comes to rest on the spot on which it was placed and it subsequently moves, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies, unless the provisions of any other Rule apply.
If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.

Note: "Closely-mown area" means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less.

Match Play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two Strokes

*If a player incurs the general penalty for a breach of this Local Rule, no additional penalty under the Local Rule is applied."

When a course has been aerated, a Local Rule permitting relief, without penalty, from an aeration hole may be warranted. The following Local Rule is recommended:
"Through the green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green.
On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole which avoids the situation.

Match Play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two Strokes"

e. Seams of Cut Turf
If a Committee wishes to allow relief from seams of cut turf, but not from the cut turf itself, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"Through the green, seams of cut turf (not the turf itself) are deemed to be ground under repair. However, interference by a seam with the player's stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under Rule 25-1. If the ball lies in or touches the seam or the seam interferes with the area of intended swing, relief is available under Rule 25-1. All seams within the cut turf area are considered the same seam."

Match Play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two Strokes"

5. Stones in Bunkers
Stones are, by definition, loose impediments and, when a player's ball is in a hazard, a stone lying in or touching the hazard may not be touched or moved (Rule 13-4). However, stones in bunkers may represent a danger to players (a player could be injured by a stone struck by the player's club in an attempt to play the ball) and they may interfere with the proper playing of the game.
When permission to lift a stone in a bunker would be warranted, the following local Rule is recommended:
"Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)."

6. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green
Rule 24-2 provides relief, without penalty, from interference by an immovable obstruction, but it also provides that, except on the putting green, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule.
However, on some courses, the aprons of the putting greens are so closely mown that players may wish to putt from just off the green. In such conditions, immovable obstructions on the apron may interfere with the proper playing of the game and the introduction of the following Local Rule providing additional relief, without penalty, from intervention by an immovable obstruction would be warranted:
"Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be obtained under Rule 24-2. In addition, if a ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and an obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows:
The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.

Relief under this Local Rule is also available if the player's ball lies on the putting green and an immovable obstruction within two club-lengths of the putting green intervenes on his line of putt. The player may take relief as follows:
The ball must be lifted and placed at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard. The ball may be cleaned when lifted.

Match play - Loss of Hole;  Stroke play - Two strokes."

7. Temporary Obstructions
When temporary obstructions are installed on or adjoining the course, the Committee should define the status of such obstructions as movable, immovable or temporary immovable obstructions.
a. Temporary Immovable Obstructions
If the Committee defines such obstructions as temporary immovable obstructions, the following local Rule is recommended:

"I. Definition
A temporary immovable obstruction (TIO) is a non-permanent artificial object that is often erected in conjunction with a competition and is fixed or not readily movable.
Examples of TIOs include, but are not limited to, tents, scoreboards, grandstands, television towers and lavatories.
Supporting guy wires are part of the temporary immovable obstruction unless the Committee declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables.

II. Interference
Interference by a TIO occurs when (a) the ball lies in front of and so close to the TIO that the TIO interferes with the player's stance or the area of his intended swing, or (b) the ball lies in, on, under or behind the TIO so that any part of the TIO intervenes directly between the player's ball and the hole and is on his line of play; interference also exists if the ball lies within one club-length of a spot equidistant from the hole where such intervention would exist.

Note: A ball is under a TIO when it is below the outer most edges of the obstruction, even if these edges do not extend downwards to the ground.

III. Relief
A player may obtain relief from interference by a TIO, including a TIO which is out of bounds, as follows:
a. Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined which (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause II and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green. The player must lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course which fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above.
b. In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball either:
(i) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause IIIa above, except that the nearest part of the course affording complete relief must be in the hazard and the ball must be dropped in the hazard or, if complete relief is impossible, on a part of the course within the hazard that affords maximum availbale relief; or
(ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard as follows: the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause II and (c) is not in a hazard. The player must drop the ball within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course which fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above.
The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause III.

Note 1: If the ball lies in a hazard, nothing in this Local Rule precludes the player from proceeding under Rule 26 or Rule 28, if applicable.
Note 2: If a ball to be dropped under this Local Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted.
Note 3: A Committee may make a Local Rule (a) permitting or requiring a player to use a dropping zone or ball drop when taking relief from a TIO or (b) permitting a player, as an additional relief option, to drop the ball on the opposite side of the TIO from the point established under Clause III, but otherwise in accordance with Clause III.

If a player's ball lies in front of or behind the TIO (not in, on or under the obstruction) he may not obtain relief under Clause III if:
1. It is clearly unreasonable for him to make a stroke or, in the case of intervention, to make a stroke such that the ball could finish on a direct line to the hole, because of interference by anything other than the TIO;
2. Interference by the TIO would occur only through use of an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play; or
3. In the case of intervention, it would be clearly unreasonable to expect the player to be able to strike the ball far enough towards the hole to reach the TIO.
Note: A player not entitled to relief due to these exceptions may proceed under Rule 24-2 if applicable.

IV. Ball in TIO Not Found
If it is known or virtually certain that the ball that has not been found is in, on or under a TIO, a ball may be dropped under the provisions of Clause III or Clause V, if applicable. For the purpose of applying Clauses III and V, the ball is deemed to lie at the spot where it last crossed the outermost limits of the TIO (Rule 24-3).

V. Dropping Zones
If the player has interference from a TIO, the Committee may permit or require the use of a dropping zone. If the player uses a dropping zone in taking relief, he must drop the ball in the dropping zone nearest to where his ball originally lay or is deemed to lie under Clause IV (even though the nearest dropping zone may be nearer the hole).
Note: A Committee may make a Local Rule prohibiting the use of a dropping zone that is nearer the hole.

Match play - Loss of hole;  Stroke play - Two strokes."

b. Temporary Power Lines and Cables
When temporary power lines, cables, or telephone lines are installed on the course, the following Local Rule is recommended:
" Temporary power lines, cables, telephone lines and mats covering or stanchions supporting them are obstructions:
1. If they are readily movable, Rule 24-1 applies.
2. If they are fixed or not readily movable, the player may, if the ball lies through the green or in a bunker, obtain relief as provided in Rule 24-2b. If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player may lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i) except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard or the player may proceed under Rule 26.
3. If a ball strikes an elevated power line or cable, the stroke must be cancelled and replayed, without penalty (see Rule 20-5). If the ball is not immediately recoverable another ball may be substituted.
Note: Guy wires supporting a temporary immovable obstruction are part of the temporary immovable obstruction unless the Committee, by Local Rule, declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables.
Exception: A stroke that results in a ball striking an elevated junction section of cable rising from the ground must not be replayed.
4. Grass-covered cable trenches are ground under repair even if not marked and Rule 25-1b applies."

8. Dropping Zones

If the Committee considers that it is not feasible or practicable to proceed in accordance with a Rule providing relief, it may establish dropping zones in which balls may or must be dropped when taking relief. Generally, such dropping zones should be provided as an additional relief option to those available under the Rule itself, rather than being mandatory.
Using the example of a dropping zone for a water hazard, when such a dropping zone is established, the following Local Rule is recommended:
"If a ball is in or it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard [specify location], the player may:
(i) proceed under Rule 26; or
as an additional option, drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the dropping zone.

Match play - Loss of hole;  Stroke play - Two strokes."

Note: When using a dropping zone, the following provisions apply regarding the dropping and re-dropping of the ball:
(a) The player does not have to stand within the dropping zone when dropping the ball.
(b) The dropped ball must first strike a part of the course within the dropping zone.
(c) If the dropping zone is defined by a line, the line is within the dropping zone.
(d) The dropped ball does not have to come to rest in the dropping zone.
(e) The dropped ball must be re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest in a position covered by Ruule 20-2c(i-vi)
(f) The dropped ball may roll nearer the hole than the spot where it first struck a part of the course, provided it comes to rest within two club-lengths of that spot and not into any of the positions covered by (e)
(g) Subject to the provisions of (e) and (f), the dropped ball may roll and come to rest nearer the hole than:
• its original position or estimated position (ee Rule 20-2b);
• the nearest point of relief or maximum available relief (Rule 24-2, 24-3, 25-1 or 25-3) or;
• the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or lateral water hazard (Rule 26-1)

9. Distance-Measuring Devices

If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the note under Rule 14-3, the following wording is recommended:
"[Specify as appropriate, e.g. In this competition, of For all play at this course, etc], a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional function is actually used."


Rule 33-1 provides, "The Committee must lay down the conditions under which a competition is to be played." The conditions should include many matters such as method of entry, eligibility, number of rounds to be played, etc. which it is not appropriate to deal with in the Rules of Golf or this Appendix. Detailed information regarding such conditions is provided in "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" under Rule 33-1 and in "Guidance on Running a Competition".
However, there are a number of matters that might be covered in the Conditions of the Competition to which the Committee's attention is specifically drawn. These are:

1. Specification of the Ball (Note to Rule 5-1)
The following conditions are recommended only for competitions involving expert players:
a. List of Conforming Drive Heads
On its web site ( the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Driver Heads which lists driving clubheads that have been evaluated and found to conform with the Rules of Golf. If the Committee wishes to limit players to drivers that have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used:

"Any driver the player carries must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the R&A.
Exception: A driver with a clubhead that was manufactured prior to 1999 is exempt from this condition.

Match Play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match must be adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round - Two holes.
Stroke Play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - Four strokes.
Match or Stroke Play - In the event of a breach between the play of two strokes, the penalty applies to the next hole.
Bogey and Par competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a
Stableford Competitions - See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b

* Any club or clubs carried in breach of this condition must be declared out of play by the player to his opponent in match play or his marker or fellow competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. If the player fails to do so he is disqualified.


b. List of Conforming Golf Balls
On its web site ( the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Golf Balls which lists balls that have been tested and found to conform with the Rules of Golf. If the Committee wishes to require players to play a model of golf ball on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used:

"The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A.


c. One Ball Condition
If it is desired to prohibit changing brands and models of golf balls during a stipulated round, the following condition is recommended:

"Limitation on Balls Used During Round: (Note to Rule 5-1)

(i) 'One Ball' Condition
During a stipulated round, the balls a player plays must be of the same brand and model as detailed by a single entry on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls.

Note: If a ball of a different brand and/or model is dropped or placed it may be lifted, without penalty, and the player must then proceed by dropping or placing a proper ball (Rule 20-6).

Match Play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match must be adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round - Two holes.
Stroke Play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - Four strokes.

(ii) Procedure When Breach Discovered
When a player discovers that he has played a ball in breach of this condition, he must abandon that ball before playing from the next teeing ground and complete the round with a proper ball; otherwise, the player is disqualified. If discovery is made during play of a hole and the player elects to substitute a proper ball before completing that hole, the player must place a proper ball on the spot where the ball played in breach of the condition lay."

2. Time of Starting (Note to Rule 6-3a)
If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note, the following wording is recommended:

"If the player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes after his starting time, in the absence of circumstances which warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7, the penalty for failure to start on time is loss of the first hole to be played in match play or two strokes in stroke play. Penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is disqualification."

3. Caddie (Note to Rule 6-4)
Rule 6-4 permits a player to use a caddie provided he has only one caddie at any one time. However, there may be circumstances where a Committee may wish to prohibit caddies or restrict a player in his choice of caddie, e.g. professional golfer, sibling, parent, another player in the competition, etc. In such cases, the following wording is recommended:
Use of Caddie Prohibited
"A player is prohibited from using a caddie during the stipulated round."

Restriction on Who May Serve as Caddie
"A player is prohibited from having ________ serve as his caddie during the stipulated round.

Match Play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match must be adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round - Two holes.
Stroke Play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - Four strokes.

Match or stroke play - In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole. A player having a caddie in breach of this condition must immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred ensure that he conforms with this condition for the remainder of the stipulated round. Otherwise, the player is disqualified."

4. Pace of Play (Note to Rule 6-7)
The Committee may establish pace of play guidelines to help prevent slow play, in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 6-7.

5. Suspension of Play Due to a Dangerous Situation (Note to Rule 6-8b)
As there have been many deaths and injuries from lightning on golf courses, all clubs and sponsors of golf competitions are urged to take precautions for the protection of persons against lightning. Attention is called to Rules 6-8 and 33-2d. If the Committee desires to adopt the condition in the Note under Rule 6-8b, the following wording is recommended:

"When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, if the players in a match or group are between the play of two holes, they must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. If a player fails to discontinue play immediately, he is disqualified unless circumstances warrant waiving the penalty as provided in Rule 33-7.
The signal for suspending play due to a dangerous situation will be a prolonged note of the siren."

The following signals are generally used and it is recommended that all Committees do similarly:
Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged note of siren.
Discontinue Play: Three consecutive notes of siren, repeated.
Resume Play: Two short notes of siren, repeated.

6. Practice

a. General
The Committee may make regulations governing practice in accordance with the Note to Rule 7-1, Exception (c) to Rule 7-2, Note 2 to Rule 7 and Rule 33-2c.

b. Practice Between Holes (Note 2 to Rule 7)
If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 7-2, the following wording is recommended:

"Between the play of two holes, player must not make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole last played and must not test the surface of the putting green of the hole last played by rolling a ball.

Match Play - Loss of next hole.
Stroke play - Two strokes at next hole.
Match or Stroke Play - In the case of a breach at the last hole of the stipulated round, the player incurs the penalty at that hole."

7. Advice in Team Competitions (Note to Rule 8)
If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note under Rule 8, the following wording is recommended:

"In accordance with the Note to Rule 8 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one person (in addition to the persons from whom advice may be asked under that Rule) who may give advice to members of that team. Such person (if it desired to insert any restriction on who may be nominated insert such restriction here) must be identified to the Committee before giving advice."

8. New Holes (Note to Rule 33-2b)
The Committee may provide, in accordance with the Note to Rule 33-2b, that the holes and teeing grounds for a single round competition being held on more than one day may be differently situated on each day.

9. Transportation
If it is desired to require players to walk in a competition, the following condition is recommended:

"Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Committee.

Match play - At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round - Two holes.
Stroke play - Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round - Four strokes.
Match or stroke play - In the event of a breach between the play of two holes, the penalty applies to the next hole. Use of any unauthorized form of transportation must be discontinued immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred. Otherwise, the player is disqualified."

10. Anti-Doping
The Committee may require, in the Conditions of Competition, that players comply with an anti-doping policy.

11. How to Decide Ties
In both match play and stroke play, a tie can be an acceptable result. However, when it is desired to have a sole winner, the Committee has the authority, under Rule 33-6, to determine how and when a tie is decided. The decision should be published in advance.

The R&A recommends:

Match Play
A match that ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole. The play-off should start on the hole where the match began. In a handicap match, handicap strokes should be allowed as in the stipulated round.
Stroke Play
(a) In the event of a tie in a scratch stroke play competition, a play-off is recommended. The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee. If that is not feasible or there is still a tie, a hole-by-hole play-off is recommended.

(b) In the event of a tie in a handicap stroke play competition, a play-off with handicaps is recommended. The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee. It is recommended that any such play-off consists of at least three holes.

In competitions where the handicap stroke allocation table is not relevant, if the play-off is less than 18 holes the percentage of 18 holes to be played should be applied to the players’ handicaps to determine their play-off handicaps. Handicap stroke fractions of one-half stroke or more should count as a full stroke and any lesser fraction should be disregarded.
In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford Competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s).

(c) If a play-off of any type is not feasible, matching score cards is recommended. The method of matching cards should be announced in advance and should also provide what will happen if this procedure does not produce a winner. An acceptable method of matching cards is to determine the winner on the basis of the best score for the last nine holes. If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, determine the winner on the basis of the last six holes, last three holes and finally the 18th hole. If this method is used in a competition with a multiple tee start, it is recommended that the "last nine holes, last six holes, etc." is considered to be holes 10-18, 13-18, etc.
For competitions where the handicap stroke table is not relevant, such as individual stroke play, if the last nine, last six, last three holes scenario is used, one half, one third, one sixth, etc. of the handicaps should be deducted from the score for those holes. In terms of the use of fractions in such deductions, the Committee should act in accordance with the recommendations of the relevant handicapping authority.
In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford Competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s).

12. Draw for Match Play
Although the draw for match play may be completely blind or certain players may be distributed through different quarters or eighths, the General Numerical Draw is recommended if matches are determined by a qualifying round.

General Numerical Draw
For purposes of determining places in the draw, ties in qualifying rounds other than those for the last qualifying place are decided by the order in which scores are returned, with the first score to be returned receiving the lowest available number, etc. If it is impossible to determine the order in which scores are returned, ties are determined by a blind draw.

upper half
lower half
upper half
lower half
64 Qualifiers
32 Qualifiers
1 vs. 64
2 vs. 63
1 vs. 32
2 vs. 31
32 vs. 33
31 vs. 34
16 vs. 17
15 vs. 18
16 vs. 49
15 vs. 50
8 vs. 25
7 vs. 26
17 vs. 48
18 vs. 47
9 vs. 24
10 vs. 23
8 vs. 57
7 vs. 58
4 vs. 29
3 vs. 30
25 vs. 40
26 vs. 39
13 vs. 20
14 vs. 19
9 vs. 56
10 vs. 55
5 vs. 28
6 vs. 27
24 vs. 41
23 vs. 42
12 vs. 21
11 vs. 22
4 vs. 61
3 vs. 62
16 Qualifiers
29 vs. 36
30 vs. 35
1 vs. 16
2 vs.15
13 vs. 52
14 vs. 51
8 vs. 19
7 vs.10
20 vs. 45
19 vs. 46
4 vs. 13
3 vs.14
5 vs. 60
6 vs. 59
5 vs. 12
6 vs. 11
28 vs. 37
27 vs. 38
8 Qualifiers
12 vs. 53
11 vs. 54
1 vs. 8
2 vs. 7
21 vs. 44
22 vs. 43
4 vs. 5
3 vs. 6

Appendices II and III

The R&A reserves the right, at any time, to change the Rules relating to clubs and balls and make or change the interpretations relating to these Rules. For up to date information, please contact the R&A or refer to
Any design in a club or ball which is not covered by the Rules, which is contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules or which might significantly change the nature of the game, will be ruled on by the R&A.
The dimensions and limits contained in Appendices II and III are given in the units by which conformance is dtermined. An equivalent imperial/metric conversion is also referenced for information, calculated using a conversion rate of 1 inch = 25.4mm.


A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the R&A.
A manufacturer should submit to the R&A a sample of a club to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the club conforms with the Rules. The sample becomes the property of the R&A for reference purposes. If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the club, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the club does not conform with the Rules.
The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of clubs, together with specifications and interpretations. Further information relating to these regulations and their proper interpretation is provided in "A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and Balls."
Where a club, or part of a club, is required to meet a specification within the Rules, it must be designed and manufactured with the intention of meeting that specification.

1. Clubs

a. General
A club is an implement designed to be used for striking the ball and generally comes in three forms: woods, irons and putters distinguished by shape and intended use. A putter is a club with a loft not exceeding ten degrees designed primarily for use on the putting green.
The club must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make. The club must be composed of a shaft and a head and it may also have material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold (see 3 below). All parts of the club must be fixed so that the club is one unit, and it must have no external attachments. Exceptions may be made for attachments that do not affect the performance of the club.

b. Adjustability
All clubs may incorporate mechanisms for weight adjustment. Other forms of adjustability may also be permitted upon evaluation by the R&A. The following requirements apply to all permissible methods of adjustment:
(i) the adjustment cannot be readily made;
(ii) all adjustable parts are firmly fixed and there is no reasonable likelihood of them working loose during a round; and
(iii) all configurations of adjustment conform with the Rules.

During a stipulated round, the playing characteristics of a club must not be purposely changed by adjustment or by any other means (see Rule 4-2a).

Figure I

c. Length
The overall length of the club must be at least 18 inches (457.2mm) and, except for putters, must not exceed 48 inches (1219.2 mm). For woods and irons, the measurement of length is taken when the club is lying on a horizontal plane and the sole is set against a 60 degree plane as shown in Fig. I. The length is defined as the distance from the point of the intersection between the two planes to the top of the grip. For putters, the measurement of length is taken from the top of the grip along the axis of the shaft or a straight line extension of it to the sole of the club.

d. Alignment
When the club is in its normal address position the shaft must be so aligned that:
(i) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane through the toe and heel must diverge from the vertical by at least ten degrees (See Figure II). If the overall design of the club is such that the player can effectively use the club in a vertical or close-to-vertical position, the shaft may be required to diverge from the vertical in this plane by as much as 25 degrees;
Figure II
Figure III
(ii) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane along the intended line of play must not diverge from the vertical by more than 20 degrees forwards or 10 degrees backwards (See Figure III).
Except for putters, all of the heel portion of the club must lie within 0.625 inches (15.88mm) of the plane containing the axis of the straight part of the shaft and the intended (horizontal) line of play (See Figure IV).
Figure IV

2. Shaft
a. Straightness
The shaft must be straight from the top of the grip to a point not more than 5 inches (127mm) above the sole, measured from the point where the shaft ceases to be straight along the axis of the bent part of the shaft and the neck and/or socket (see Fig V).
Figure V
b. Bending and Twisting Properties.
At any point along its length, the shaft must:
(i) bend in such a way that the deflection is the same regardless of how the shaft is rotated about its longitudinal axis; and
(ii) twist the same amount in both directions.
c. Attachment to Clubhead.
The shaft must be attached to the clubhead at the heel either directly or through a single plain neck and/or socket. The length from the top of the neck and/or socket to the sole of the club must not exceed 5 inches (127mm), measured along the axis of, and following any bend in, the neck and/or socket (See Figure VI).

Exception for Putters: The shaft or neck or socket of a putter may be fixed at any point in the head.

Figure VI

3. Grip (See Figure VII)

The grip consists of material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold. The grip must be straight and plain in form, must extend to the end of the shaft and must not be moulded for any part of the hands. If no material is added, that portion of the shaft designed to be held by the player must be considered the grip.
Figure VII
(i) For clubs other than putters the grip must be circular in cross-section, except that a continuous, straight, slightly raised rib may be incorporated along the full length of the grip, and a slightly indented spiral is permitted on a wrapped grip or a replica of one.
(ii) A putter grip may have a non-circular cross-section, provided the cross-section has no concavity, is symmetrical and remains generally similar throughout the length of the grip. (See clause (v)).
(iii) The grip may be tapered but must not have any bulge or waist. Its cross-sectional dimension measured in any direction must not exceed 1.75 inches (44.45mm).
(iv) For clubs other than putters the axis of the grip must coincide with the axis of the shaft.
(v) A putter may have two grips, provided each is circular in cross-section, the axis of each coincides with the axis of the shaft, and they are separated by at least 1.5 inches (38.1mm).

4. Clubhead

a. Plain in Shape
The clubhead must be generally plain in shape. All parts must be rigid, structural in nature and functional. The clubhead or its parts must not be designed to resemble any other object. It is not practicable to define plain in shape precisely and comprehensively. However, features that are deemed to be in breach of this requirement and are therefore not permitted include, but are not limited to:

(i) All Clubs
• holes thorugh the face;
• holes through the head (some exceptions may be made for putters and cavity back irons;
• features that are for the purpose of meeting dimensional specifications;
• features that extend into or ahead of the face;
• features that extend significantly above the top line of the head;
• furrows in or runners on the head that extend into the face (some exceptions may be made for putters); and
• optical or electronic devices.

(ii) Woods and Irons
• all features listed in (i) above;
• cavities in the outline of the heel and/or the toe of the head that can be viewed from above;
• severe or multiple cavitites in the outline of the back of the head that can be viewed from above;
• transparent material added to the head with the intention of rendering conforming a feature that is not otherwise permitted; and
• features that extend beyond the outline of the head when viewed from above.

b. Dimensions and Size.
(i) Woods

When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the dimensions of the clubhead must be such that:
• the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is greater than the distance from the face to the back;
• the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is not greater than 5 inches (127 mm); and
• the distance from the sole to the crown of the clubhead is not greater than 2.8 inches (71.12 mm).

These dimensions are measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of:
• the heel and the toe; and
• the face and the back (see Fig VIII, dimension A)
and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the crown (see Fig VIII, dimension B). If the outermost point of the heel is not clearly defined, it is deemed to be 0.875 inches (22.23 mm) above the horizontal plane on which the club is lying (see Fig. VIII, dimension C).
The volume of the clubhead must not exceed 460 cubic centimetres (28.06 cubic inches), plus a tolerance of 10 cubic centimetres (0.61 cubic inches).
When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the moment of interia component around the vertical axis through the clubhead's centre of gravity must not exceed 5900 g cm² (32.259 oz in²), plus a test tolerance of 100 g cm² (0.547 oz in²).

Figure VIII

(ii) Irons
When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back.

(iii) Putters (see Fig IX)
When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that:
• the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back;
• the distance from the heel to the toe of the head is less than or equal to 7 inches (177.8mm);
• the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to two thirds of the distance from the face to the back of the head;
• the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to half of the distance from the heel to the toe of the head; and
• the distance from the sole to the top of the head, including any permitted features, is less than or equal to 2.5 inches (63.5mm)

For traditionally shaped heads, these dimensions will be measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of:
• the heel and the toe of the head;
• the heel and the toe of the face; and
• the face and the back;

and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the top of the head.

For unusually shaped heads, the toe to heel dimension may be made at the face.

Figure IX

c. Spring Effect and Dynamic Properties
The design, material and/or construction of, or any treatment to, the clubhead (which includes the club face) must not:
(i) have the effect of a spring which exceeds the limit set forth in the Pendulum Test protocol on file with the R&A; or
(ii) incorporate features or technology including, but not limited to, separate springs or spring features, that have the intent of, or the effect of, unduly influencing the clubhead's spring effect; or
(iii) unduly influence the movement of the ball.

Note: (i) above does not apply to putters.

d. Striking Faces
The clubhead must have only one striking face, except that a putter may have two such faces if their characteristics are the same, and they are opposite each other.

5. Club Face

a General.
The face of the club must be hard and rigid and must not impart significantly more or less spin to the ball than a standard steel face (some exceptions may be made for putters). Except for such markings listed below, the club face must be smooth and must not have any degree of concavity.

Figure X
b. Impact Area Roughness and Material.
Except for markings specified in the following paragraphs, the surface roughness within the area where impact is intended (the "impact area") must not exceed that of decorative sandblasting, or of fine milling (see Figure X).
The whole of the impact area must be of the same material (exceptions may be made for clubheads made of wood).

c. Impact Area Markings.
If a club has grooves and/or punch marks in the impact area they must be designed and manufactured to meet the following specifications:

(i) Grooves.
• Grooves must not have sharp edges or raised lips (test on file).
• Grooves must be straight and parallel.
• Grooves must have a symmetrical cross-section and have sides which do not converge (see Fig XI)

Figure XI

• the width, spacing and cross-section of the grooves must be consistent throughout the impact area.
• any rounding of groove edges must be in the form of a radius which does not exceed 0.020 inches (0.508mm).
• the width of each groove must not exceed 0.035 inches (0.9mm), using the 30 degree method of measurement on file with the R&A.
• the distance between edges of adjacent grooves must not be less than three times the width of the grooves, and not less than 0.075 inches (1.905mm).
• the depth of each groove must not exceed 0.020 inches (0.508mm).

(ii) Punch Marks.
• The area of any punch mark must not exceed 0.0044 square inches (2.84
• The distance between adjacent punch marks (or between punch marks and grooves) must not be less than 0.168 inches (4.27mm), measured from centre to centre.
• The depth of a punch mark must not exceed 0.040 inches (1.02mm).
• Punch marks must not have sharp edges or raised lips (test on file). d. Decorative Markings.
The centre of the impact area may be indicated by a design within the boundary of a square whose sides are 0.375 inches (9.53mm) in length. Such a design must not unduly influence the movement of the ball. Decorative markings are permitted outside the impact area.

e. Non-metallic Club Face Markings.
The above specifications apply to clubheads made of wood on which the impact area of the face is of a material of hardness less than the hardness of metal and whose loft angle is 24 degrees or less, but markings which could unduly influence the movement of the ball are prohibited.

f. Putter Face Markings.
Any markings on the face of a putter must not have sharp edges or raised lips. The specifications with regard to roughness, material and markings in the impact area do not apply.

Appendix III


1. General
The ball must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make. The material and construction of the ball must not be contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules.

2. Weight
The weight of the ball must not be greater than 1.620 ounces avoirdupois (45.93gm).

3. Size
The diameter of the ball must be not less than 1.680 inches (42.67mm). This specification will be satisfied if, under its own weight, a ball falls through a 1.680 inches diameter ring gauge in fewer than 25 out of 100 randomly selected positions, the test being carried out at a temperature of 23 ±1°C.

4. Spherical Symmetry
The ball must not be designed, manufactured or intentionally modified to have properties which differ from those of a spherically symmetrical ball.

5. Initial Velocity
The velocity of the ball must not exceed the limit specified (test on file) when measured on apparatus approved by the R&A.

6. Overall Distance Standard
The combined carry and roll of the ball, when tested on apparatus approved by the R&A, must not exceed the distance specified under the conditions set forth in the Overall Distance Standard for golf balls on file with the R&A.

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Rules of Golf 2012

Appendix I: Part A


Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section – see pages 30-45 General As provided in Rule 33-8a, the Committee may make and publish Local Rules for local abnormal conditions if they are consistent with the policies established in this Appendix In addition, detailed information regarding acceptable and prohibited Local Rules is provided in “Decisions on the Rules of Golf” under Rule 33-8 and in “Guidance on Running a Competition” If local abnormal conditions interfere with the proper playing of the game and the Committee considers it necessary to modify a Rule of Golf, authorisation from the R&A must be obtained Within the policies established in Appendix I, the Committee may adopt Specimen Local Rules by referring, on a score card or notice board, to the examples given below However, Specimen Local Rules of a temporary nature should not be printed on a score card 1. Course – Defining Boundaries, Margins and Status of Objects The Committee may adopt Local Rules: • Specifying means used to define out of bounds, water hazards, lateral water hazards, ground under repair, obstructions and integral parts of the course (Rule 33-2a) • Clarifying the status of water hazards that may be lateral water hazards (Rule 26) Appendix I 141Appendix I140 2. Ball in Environmentally-Sensitive Area Ground Under Repair: If a ball is in an ESA defined as ground under repair, a ball must be dropped in accordance with Rule 25-1b If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as ground under repair, the player may take relief, without penalty, as prescribed in Rule 25-1c Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards: If the ball is found in or if it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as a water hazard or lateral water hazard, the player must, under penalty of one stroke, proceed under Rule 26-1 Note: If a ball dropped in accordance with Rule 26 rolls into a position where the ESA interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, the player must take relief as provided in Clause 3 of this Local Rule Out of Bounds: If a ball is in an ESA defined as out of bounds, the player must play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5) 3. Interference with Stance or Area of Intended Swing Interference by an ESA occurs when the ESA interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing If interference exists, the player must take relief as follows: (a) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference by the ESA and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green The player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above (b) In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift the ball and drop it either: the ball lies in a water hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard, or the player may proceed under Rule 26 The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Local Rule Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if (a) interference by anything other than such a tree makes the stroke clearly impracticable or (b) interference by such a tree would occur only through the use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” c. Environmentally-Sensitive Areas If an appropriate authority (ie a Government Agency or the like) prohibits entry into and/or play from an area on or adjoining the course for environmental reasons, the Committee should make a Local Rule clarifying the relief procedure The Committee may not declare an area to be environmentally-sensitive The Committee has some discretion in terms of whether the area is defined as ground under repair, a water hazard or out of bounds However, it may not simply define an area to be a water hazard if it does not meet the Definition of a “Water Hazard” and it should attempt to preserve the character of the hole The following Local Rule is recommended: “1. Definition An environmentally-sensitive area (ESA) is an area so declared by an appropriate authority, entry into and/or play from which is prohibited for environmental reasons The__________(defined by__________) are ‘environmentally-sensitive areas’ (ESAs) These areas are to be played as (ground under repair – water hazards – out of bounds) Appendix I 143Appendix I142 warranted, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, a ball that is embedded may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green Note: A ball is “embedded” when it is in its own pitch-mark and part of the ball is below the level of the ground  A ball does not necessarily have to touch the soil to be embedded (eg grass, loose impediments and the like may intervene between the ball and the soil) Exceptions: 1. A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if the ball is embedded in sand in an area that is not closely-mown 2. A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if interference by anything other than the condition covered by this Local Rule makes the stroke clearly impracticable PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” b. “Preferred Lies” and “Winter Rules” Ground under repair is provided for in Rule 25, and occasional local abnormal conditions that might interfere with fair play and are not widespread should be defined as ground under repair However, adverse conditions, such as heavy snows, spring thaws, prolonged rains or extreme heat can make fairways unsatisfactory and sometimes prevent use of heavy mowing equipment When these conditions are so general throughout a course that the Committee believes “preferred lies” or “winter rules” would promote fair play or help protect the course, the following Local Rule (which should be withdrawn as soon as conditions warrant) is recommended: “A ball lying on a closely-mown area through the green (or specify a more restricted area, eg at the 6th hole) may be lifted without penalty and cleaned Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within (i) Without penalty, in the hazard, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course that provides complete relief from the ESA; or (ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard, keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped Additionally, the player may proceed under Rule 26 or 28 if applicable (c) On the Putting Green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player must lift the ball and place it, without penalty, in the nearest position to where it lay that affords complete relief from the ESA, but not nearer the hole or in a hazard The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause 3 of this Local Rule Exception: A player must not take relief under Clause 3 of this Local Rule if (a) interference by anything other than an ESA makes the stroke clearly impracticable or (b) interference by an ESA would occur only through the use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes Note: In the case of a serious breach of this Local Rule, the Committee may impose a penalty of disqualification” 3. Course Conditions a. Embedded Ball Course conditions, including mud and extreme wetness, may interfere with proper playing of the game and warrant relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green Rule 25-2 provides relief, without penalty, for a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark in any closely-mown area through the green On the putting green, a ball may be lifted and damage caused by the impact of a ball may be repaired (Rules 16-1b and c) When permission to take relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green would be Appendix I 145Appendix I144 d. Aeration Holes When a course has been aerated, a Local Rule permitting relief, without penalty, from an aeration hole may be warranted The following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” e. Seams of Cut Turf If a Committee wishes to allow relief from seams of cut turf, but not from the turf itself, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, seams of cut turf (not the turf itself) are deemed to be ground under repair However, interference by a seam with the player’s stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under Rule 25-1 If the ball lies in or touches the seam or the seam interferes with the area of intended swing, relief is available under Rule 25-1 All seams within the cut turf area are considered the same seam PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” f. Stones in Bunkers Stones are, by definition, loose impediments and, when a player’s ball is in a hazard, a stone lying in or touching the hazard may not be touched or moved (Rule 13-4) However, stones in bunkers may represent a danger to players (a player could be injured by a stone struck by the player’s club in an attempt to play the ball) and they may interfere with the proper playing of the game (specify area, eg six inches, one club-length, etc) of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed (Rule 20-4) If the ball fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed, Rule 20-3d applies If the ball when placed comes to rest on the spot on which it is placed and it subsequently moves, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies, unless the provisions of any other Rule apply If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it, moves the ball-marker prior to putting the ball back into play or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke Note: “Closely-mown area” means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes *If a player incurs the general penalty for a breach of this Local Rule, no additional penalty under the Local Rule is applied” c. Cleaning Ball Conditions, such as extreme wetness causing significant amounts of mud to adhere to the ball, may be such that permission to lift, clean and replace the ball would be appropriate In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended: “(Specify area, eg at the 6th hole, on a closely-mown area, anywhere through the green, etc) a ball may be lifted and cleaned without penalty The ball must be replaced Note: The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under this Local Rule – see Rule 20-1 PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Appendix I 147Appendix I146 Exception: A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if interference by anything other than the immovable obstruction makes the stroke clearly impracticable PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Note: The Committee may restrict this Local Rule to specific holes, to balls lying only in closely-mown areas, to specific obstructions, or, in the case of obstructions that are not on the putting green, to obstructions in closely-mown areas if so desired “Closely-mown area” means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less b. Temporary Immovable Obstructions When temporary obstructions are installed on or adjoining the course, the Committee should define the status of such obstructions as movable, immovable or temporary immovable obstructions If the Committee defines such obstructions as temporary immovable obstructions, the following Local Rule is recommended: “1. Definition A temporary immovable obstruction (TIO) is a non-permanent artificial object that is often erected in conjunction with a competition and is fixed or not readily movable Examples of TIOs include, but are not limited to, tents, scoreboards, grandstands, television towers and lavatories Supporting guy wires are part of the TIO, unless the Committee declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables 2. Interference Interference by a TIO occurs when (a) the ball lies in front of and so close to the TIO that the TIO interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, or (b) the ball lies in, on, under or behind the TIO so that any part of the TIO intervenes directly When permission to lift a stone in a bunker is warranted, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)” 4. Obstructions a. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) Rule 24-2 provides relief, without penalty, from interference by an immovable obstruction, but it also provides that, except on the putting green, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule However, on some courses, the aprons of the putting green are so closely-mown that players may wish to putt from just off the green In such conditions, immovable obstructions on the apron may interfere with the proper playing of the game and the introduction of the following Local Rule providing additional relief, without penalty, from intervention by an immovable obstruction would be warranted: “Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 24-2 In addition, if a ball lies through the green and an immovable obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green If the player’s ball lies on the putting green and an immovable obstruction within two club-lengths of the putting green intervenes on his line of putt, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and placed at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard The ball may be cleaned when lifted Appendix I 149Appendix I148 precludes the player from proceeding under Rule 26 or Rule 28, if applicable Note 2: If a ball to be dropped under this Local Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted Note 3: A Committee may make a Local Rule (a) permitting or requiring a player to use a dropping zone when taking relief from a TIO or (b) permitting a player, as an additional relief option, to drop the ball on the opposite side of the TIO from the point established under Clause 3, but otherwise in accordance with Clause 3 Exceptions: If a player’s ball lies in front of or behind the TIO (not in, on or under the TIO), he may not obtain relief under Clause 3 if: 1. Interference by anything other than the TIO makes it clearly impracticable for him to make a stroke or, in the case of intervention, to make a stroke such that the ball could finish on a direct line to the hole; 2. Interference by the TIO would occur only through use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play; or 3. In the case of intervention, it would be clearly impracticable to expect the player to be able to strike the ball far enough towards the hole to reach the TIO A player who is not entitled to relief due to these exceptions may, if the ball lies through the green or in a bunker, obtain relief as provided in Rule 24-2b, if applicable If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player may lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard, or the player may proceed under Rule 26-1 4. Ball in TIO Not Found If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in, on or under a TIO, a ball may be dropped under the provisions of Clause 3 or Clause 5, if applicable For the purpose of applying Clauses 3 and 5, the ball is deemed to lie at the spot where it last between the player’s ball and the hole and is on his line of play; interference also exists if the ball lies within one club-length of a spot equidistant from the hole where such intervention would exist Note: A ball is under a TIO when it is below the outermost edges of the TIO, even if these edges do not extend downwards to the ground 3. Relief A player may obtain relief from interference by a TIO, including a TIO that is out of bounds, as follows: (a) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause 2 and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green The player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfills (a), (b) and (c) above (b) In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball either: (i) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause 3(a) above, except that the nearest part of the course affording complete relief must be in the hazard and the ball must be dropped in the hazard, or, if complete relief is impossible, on a part of the course within the hazard that affords maximum available relief; or (ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard as follows: the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause 2 and (c) is not in a hazard The player must drop the ball within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause 3 Note 1: If the ball lies in a hazard, nothing in this Local Rule Appendix I 151Appendix I150 Exception: A stroke that results in a ball striking an elevated junction section of cable rising from the ground must not be replayed 4 Grass-covered cable trenches are ground under repair, even if not marked, and Rule 25-1b applies PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” 5. Water Hazards - Playing Ball Provisionally Under Rule 26-1 If a water hazard (including a lateral water hazard) is of such size and shape and/or located in such a position that: (i) it would be impracticable to determine whether the ball is in the hazard or to do so would unduly delay play, and (ii) if the original ball is not found, it is known or virtually certain that it is in the water hazard, the Committee may introduce a Local Rule permitting the play of a ball provisionally under Rule 26-1 The ball is played provisionally under any of the applicable options under Rule 26-1 or any applicable Local Rule In such a case, if a ball is played provisionally and the original ball is in a water hazard, the player may play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally, but he may not proceed under Rule 26-1 with regard to the original ball In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended: “If there is doubt whether a ball is in or is lost in the water hazard (specify location), the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 26-1 If the original ball is found outside the water hazard, the player must continue play with it If the original ball is found in the water hazard, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally under Rule 26-1 If the original ball is not found or identified within the five-minute crossed the outermost limits of the TIO (Rule 24-3) 5. Dropping Zones If the player has interference from a TIO, the Committee may permit or require the use of a dropping zone If the player uses a dropping zone in taking relief, he must drop the ball in the dropping zone nearest to where his ball originally lay or is deemed to lie under Clause 4 (even though the nearest dropping zone may be nearer the hole) Note: A Committee may make a Local Rule prohibiting the use of a dropping zone that is nearer the hole PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” c. Temporary Power Lines and Cables When temporary power lines, cables or telephone lines are installed on the course, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Temporary power lines, cables, telephone lines and mats covering or stanchions supporting them are obstructions: 1 If they are readily movable, Rule 24-1 applies 2 If they are fixed or not readily movable, the player may, if the ball lies through the green or in a bunker, obtain relief as provided in Rule 24-2b If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player may lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard or the player may proceed under Rule 26 3 If a ball strikes an elevated power line or cable, the stroke is cancelled and the player must play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was played in accordance with Rule 20-5 (Making Next Stroke from Where Previous Stroke Made) Note: Guy wires supporting a temporary immovable obstruction are part of the temporary immovable obstruction, unless the Committee, by Local Rule, declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables Appendix I 153Appendix I152 (b) The dropped ball must first strike a part of the course within the dropping zone (c) If the dropping zone is defined by a line, the line is within the dropping zone (d) The dropped ball does not have to come to rest within the dropping zone (e) The dropped ball must be re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest in a position covered by Rule 20-2c(i-vi) (f) The dropped ball may roll nearer the hole than the spot where it first struck a part of the course, provided it comes to rest within two club-lengths of that spot and not into any of the positions covered by (e) (g) Subject to the provisions of (e) and (f), the dropped ball may roll and come to rest nearer the hole than: • its original position or estimated position (see Rule 20-2b); • the nearest point of relief or maximum available relief (Rule 24-2, 25-1 or 25-3); or • the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or lateral water hazard (Rule 26-1) 7. Distance-Measuring Devices If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note under Rule 14-3, the following Local Rule is recommended: “(Specify as appropriate, eg In this competition, or For all play at this course, etc), a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (eg elevation changes, wind speed, etc), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3” search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” 6. Dropping Zones The Committee may establish dropping zones on which balls may or must be dropped when the Committee considers that it is not feasible or practicable to proceed exactly in conformity with Rule 24-2b or Rule 24-3 (Immovable Obstruction), Rule 25-1b or 25-1c (Abnormal Ground Conditions), 25-3 (Wrong Putting Green), Rule 26-1 (Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards) or Rule 28 (Ball Unplayable) Generally, such dropping zones should be provided as an additional relief option to those available under the Rule itself, rather than being mandatory Using the example of a dropping zone for a water hazard, when such a dropping zone is established, the following Local Rule is recommended: “If a ball is in or it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard (specify location), the player may: (i) proceed under Rule 26-1; or (ii) as an additional option, drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the dropping zone PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Note: When using a dropping zone the following provisions apply regarding the dropping and re-dropping of the ball: (a) The player does not have to stand within the dropping zone when dropping the ball Appendix I 155Appendix I154 Exception: A driver with a clubhead that was manufactured prior to 1999 is exempt from this condition *PENALTY FOR CARRYING, BUT NOT MAKING STROKE WITH, CLUB OR CLUBS IN BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *Any club or clubs carried in breach of this condition must be declared out of play by the player to his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred If the player fails to do so, he is disqualified PENALTY FOR MAKING STROKE WITH CLUB IN BREACH OF CONDITION: Disqualification” b. List of Conforming Golf Balls On its website (wwwrandaorg) the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Golf Balls that lists balls that have been tested and found to conform with the Rules of Golf If the Committee wishes to require players to play a model of golf ball on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used: “The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A Part B Conditions of the Competition Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section – see pages 30-45 General Rule 33-1 provides, “The Committee must establish the conditions under which a competition is to be played” The conditions should include many matters such as method of entry, eligibility, number of rounds to be played, etc which it is not appropriate to deal with in the Rules of Golf or this Appendix Detailed information regarding these conditions is provided in “Decisions on the Rules of Golf” under Rule 33-1 and in “Guidance on Running a Competition”  However, there are a number of matters that might be covered in the Conditions of the Competition to which the Committee’s attention is specifically drawn These are: 1. Specification of Clubs and the Ball The following conditions are recommended only for competitions involving expert players: a. List of Conforming Driver Heads On its website (wwwrandaorg) the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Driver Heads that lists driving clubheads that have been evaluated and found to conform with the Rules of Golf If the Committee wishes to limit players to drivers that have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used: “Any driver the player carries must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the R&A Appendix I 157Appendix I156 2. Caddie (Note to Rule 6-4) Rule 6-4 permits a player to use a caddie, provided he has only one caddie at any one time However, there may be circumstances where a Committee may wish to prohibit caddies or restrict a player in his choice of caddie, eg professional golfer, sibling, parent, another player in the competition, etc In such cases, the following wording is recommended: “Use of Caddie Prohibited A player is prohibited from using a caddie during the stipulated round” “Restriction on Who May Serve as Caddie A player is prohibited from having ___________ serve as his caddie during the stipulated round *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *A player having a caddie in breach of this condition must immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred ensure that he conforms with this condition for the remainder of the stipulated round Otherwise, the player is disqualified” PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Disqualification” c. One Ball Condition If it is desired to prohibit changing brands and models of golf balls during a stipulated round, the following condition is recommended: “Limitation on Balls Used During Round: (Note to Rule 5-1) (i) “One Ball” Condition During a stipulated round, the balls a player plays must be of the same brand and model as detailed by a single entry on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls Note: If a ball of a different brand and/or model is dropped or placed it may be lifted, without penalty, and the player must then proceed by dropping or placing a proper ball (Rule 20-6) PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Bogey and Par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b (ii) Procedure When Breach Discovered When a player discovers that he has played a ball in breach of this condition, he must abandon that ball before playing from the next teeing ground and complete the round with a proper ball; otherwise, the player is disqualified If discovery is made during play of a hole and the player elects to substitute a proper ball before completing that hole, the player must place a proper ball on the spot where the ball played in breach of the condition lay” Appendix I 159Appendix I158 b. Practice Between Holes (Note 2 to Rule 7) If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 7-2, the following wording is recommended: “Between the play of two holes, a player must not make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole last played and must not test the surface of the putting green of the hole last played by rolling a ball PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – Loss of next hole Stroke play – Two strokes at the next hole Match play or stroke play – In the case of a breach at the last hole of the stipulated round, the player incurs the penalty at that hole” 6. Advice in Team Competitions (Note to Rule 8) If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note under Rule 8, the following wording is recommended: “In accordance with the Note to Rule 8 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one person (in addition to the persons from whom advice may be asked under that Rule) who may give advice to members of that team Such person (if it is desired to insert any restriction on who may be nominated insert such restriction here) must be identified to the Committee before giving advice” 7. New Holes (Note to Rule 33-2b) The Committee may provide, in accordance with the Note to Rule 33-2b, that the holes and teeing grounds for a single round of a competition being held on more than one day may be differently situated on each day 8. Transportation If it is desired to require players to walk in a competition, the following condition is recommended: “Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Committee 3. Pace of Play (Note 2 to Rule 6-7) The Committee may establish pace of play guidelines to help prevent slow play, in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 6-7 4. Suspension of Play Due to a Dangerous Situation (Note to Rule 6-8b) As there have been many deaths and injuries from lightning on golf courses, all clubs and sponsors of golf competitions are urged to take precautions for the protection of persons against lightning Attention is called to Rules 6-8 and 33-2d If the Committee desires to adopt the condition in the Note under Rule 6-8b, the following wording is recommended: “When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, if the players in a match or group are between the play of two holes, they must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play If a player fails to discontinue play immediately, he is disqualified, unless circumstances warrant waiving the penalty as provided in Rule 33-7 The signal for suspending play due to a dangerous situation will be a prolonged note of the siren” The following signals are generally used and it is recommended that all Committees do similarly: Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged note of siren Discontinue Play: Three consecutive notes of siren, repeated Resume Play: Two short notes of siren, repeated 5. Practice a. General The Committee may make regulations governing practice in accordance with the Note to Rule 7-1, Exception (c) to Rule 7-2, Note 2 to Rule 7-2 and Rule 33-2c Appendix I 161Appendix I160 Stroke Play (a) In the event of a tie in a scratch stroke play competition, a play-off is recommended The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee If that is not feasible or there is still a tie, a hole-by-hole play-off is recommended (b) In the event of a tie in a handicap stroke play competition, a play-off with handicaps is recommended The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee It is recommended that any such play-off consist of at least three holes In competitions where the handicap stroke allocation table is not relevant, if the play-off is less than 18 holes, the percentage of 18 holes played should be applied to the players’ handicaps to determine their play-off handicaps Handicap stroke fractions of one half stroke or more should count as a full stroke and any lesser fraction should be disregarded In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s) (c) If a play-off of any type is not feasible, matching score cards is recommended The method of matching cards should be announced in advance and should also provide what will happen if this procedure does not produce a winner An acceptable method of matching cards is to determine the winner on the basis of the best score for the last nine holes If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, determine the winner on the basis of the last six holes, last three holes and finally the 18th hole If this method is used in a competition with a multiple tee start, it is recommended that the “last nine holes, last six holes, etc” is considered to be holes 10-18, 13-18, etc *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *Use of any unauthorised form of transportation must be discontinued immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred Otherwise, the player is disqualified” 9. Anti-Doping The Committee may require, in the conditions of competition, that players comply with an anti-doping policy 10. How to Decide Ties In both match play and stroke play, a tie can be an acceptable result However, when it is desired to have a sole winner, the Committee has the authority, under Rule 33-6, to determine how and when a tie is decided The decision should be published in advance The R&A recommends: “Match Play A match that ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole The play-off should start on the hole where the match began In a handicap match, handicap strokes should be allowed as in the stipulated round Appendix I 163Appendix I162 UPPER HALF LOWER HALF UPPER HALF LOWER HALF 64 QUALIFIERS 32 QUALIFIERS 1 vs 64 2 vs 63 1 vs 32 2 vs 31 32 vs 33 31 vs 34 16 vs 17 15 vs 18 16 vs 49 15 vs 50 8 vs 25 7 vs 26 17 vs 48 18 vs 47 9 vs 24 10 vs 23 8 vs 57 7 vs 58 4 vs 29 3 vs 30 25 vs 40 26 vs 39 13 vs 20 14 vs 19 9 vs 56 10 vs 55 5 vs 28 6 vs 27 24 vs 41 23 vs 42 12 vs 21 11 vs 22 4 vs 61 3 vs 62 16 QUALIFIERS 29 vs 36 30 vs 35 1 vs 16 2 vs15 13 vs 52 14 vs 51 8 vs 9 7 vs10 20 vs 45 19 vs 46 4 vs 13 3 vs14 5 vs 60 6 vs 59 5 vs 12 6 vs 11 28 vs 37 27 vs 38 8 QUALIFIERS 12 vs 53 11 vs 54 1 vs 8 2 vs 7 21 vs 44 22 vs 43 4 vs 5 3 vs 6 For competitions where the handicap stroke table is not relevant, such as individual stroke play, if the last nine, last six, last three holes scenario is used, one-half, one-third, one-sixth, etc of the handicaps should be deducted from the score for those holes In terms of the use of fractions in such deductions, the Committee should act in accordance with the recommendations of the relevant handicapping authority In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition, using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s)” 11. Draw for Match Play Although the draw for match play may be completely blind or certain players may be distributed through different quarters or eighths, the General Numerical Draw is recommended if matches are determined by a qualifying round General Numerical Draw For purposes of determining places in the draw, ties in qualifying rounds other than those for the last qualifying place are decided by the order in which scores are returned, with the first score to be returned receiving the lowest available number, etc If it is impossible to determine the order in which scores are returned, ties are determined by a blind draw Appendix II 165Appendix II164 Further information relating to these regulations and their proper interpretation is provided in “A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and Balls” Where a club, or part of a club, is required to meet a specification within the Rules, it must be designed and manufactured with the intention of meeting that specification 1. Clubs a. General A club is an implement designed to be used for striking the ball and generally comes in three forms: woods, irons and putters distinguished by shape and intended use A putter is a club with a loft not exceeding ten degrees designed primarily for use on the putting green The club must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make The club must be composed of a shaft and a head and it may also have material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold (see 3 below) All parts of the club must be fixed so that the club is one unit, and it must have no external attachments Exceptions may be made for attachments that do not affect the performance of the club b. Adjustability All clubs may incorporate features for weight adjustment Other forms of adjustability may also be permitted upon evaluation by the R&A The following requirements apply to all permissible methods of adjustment: (i) the adjustment cannot be readily made; (ii) all adjustable parts are firmly fixed and there is no reasonable likelihood of them working loose during a round; and (iii) all configurations of adjustment conform with the Rules During a stipulated round, the playing characteristics of a club must not be purposely changed by adjustment or by any other means (see Rule 4-2a) Appendices II, III and IV Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section - see pages 30-45 The R&A reserves the right, at any time, to change the Rules relating to clubs, balls, devices and other equipment and make or change the interpretations relating to these Rules For up to date information, please contact the R&A or refer to wwwrandaorg/equipmentrules Any design in a club, ball, device or other equipment that is not covered by the Rules, which is contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules or that might significantly change the nature of the game, will be ruled on by the R&A The dimensions and limits contained in Appendices II, III and IV are given in the units by which conformance is determined An equivalent imperial/metric conversion is also referenced for information, calculated using a conversion rate of 1 inch = 254 mm Appendix II – Design of Clubs A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A a sample of a club to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the club conforms with the Rules The sample becomes the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or, having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the club, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the club does not conform with the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of clubs, together with specifications and interpretations Appendix II 167Appendix II166 (ii) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane along the intended line of play must not diverge from the vertical by more than 20 degrees forwards or 10 degrees backwards (see Fig III) Except for putters, all of the heel portion of the club must lie within 0625 inches (1588 mm) of the plane containing the axis of the straight part of the shaft and the intended (horizontal) line of play (see Fig IV) c. Length The overall length of the club must be at least 18 inches (0457 m) and, except for putters, must not exceed 48 inches (1219 m) For woods and irons, the measurement of length is taken when the club is lying on a horizontal plane and the sole is set against a 60 degree plane as shown in Fig I The length is defined as the distance from the point of the intersection between the two planes to the top of the grip For putters, the measurement of length is taken from the top of the grip along the axis of the shaft or a straight line extension of it to the sole of the club d. Alignment When the club is in its normal address position the shaft must be so aligned that: (i) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane through the toe and heel must diverge from the vertical by at least 10 degrees (see Fig II) If the overall design of the club is such that the player can effectively use the club in a vertical or close-tovertical position, the shaft may be required to diverge from the vertical in this plane by as much as 25 degrees; Club length 60ș Fig.I Sole Toe Heel Shaft Axis 10ș Min Fig. II 20ș Max 10ș Max Back Face Fig. III Shaft Axis Shaft Axis Sole Sole 0.625 Max 0.625 Max Fig. IV Appendix II 169Appendix II168 Exception for Putters: The shaft or neck or socket of a putter may be fixed at any point in the head 3. Grip (see Fig. VII) The grip consists of material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold The grip must be fixed to the shaft, must be straight and plain in form, must extend to the end of the shaft and must not be moulded for any part of the hands If no material is added, that portion of the shaft designed to be held by the player must be considered the grip (i) For clubs other than putters the grip must be circular in cross-section, except that a continuous, straight, slightly raised rib may be incorporated along the full length of the grip, and a slightly indented spiral is permitted on a wrapped grip or a replica of one (ii) A putter grip may have a non-circular cross-section, provided the cross-section has no concavity, is symmetrical and remains generally similar throughout the length of the grip (See Clause (v) overleaf) (iii) The grip may be tapered but must not have any bulge or waist Its cross-sectional dimensions measured in any direction must not exceed 175 inches (4445 mm) 2. Shaft a. Straightness The shaft must be straight from the top of the grip to a point not more than 5 inches (127 mm) above the sole, measured from the point where the shaft ceases to be straight along the axis of the bent part of the shaft and the neck and/or socket (see Fig V) b. Bending and Twisting Properties At any point along its length, the shaft must: (i) bend in such a way that the deflection is the same regardless of how the shaft is rotated about its longitudinal axis; and (ii) twist the same amount in both directions c. Attachment to Clubhead The shaft must be attached to the clubhead at the heel either directly or through a single plain neck and/or socket The length from the top of the neck and/ or socket to the sole of the club must not exceed 5 inches (127 mm), measured along the axis of, and following any bend in, the neck and/or socket (see Fig VI) Bent Shaft Axis 5’’ Max Shaft straightness measurement ends here Sole Fig. V Circular cross-section Non-circular cross-section (putters only) Waist (not permitted) Bulge (not permitted) Fig. VII Neck or socket measurement starts here Neck or socket axis 5’’ Max Sole Sole Dotted line shows neck or socket measurement to the sole 5’’ Max Fig. VI Appendix II 171Appendix II170 rendering conforming a feature that is not otherwise permitted; and • features that extend beyond the outline of the head when viewed from above b. Dimensions, Volume and Moment of Inertia (i) Woods When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the dimensions of the clubhead must be such that: • the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is greater than the distance from the face to the back; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is not greater than 5 inches (127 mm); and • the distance from the sole to the crown of the clubhead, including any permitted features, is not greater than 28 inches (7112 mm) These dimensions are measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of: • the heel and the toe; and • the face and the back (see Fig VIII, dimension A); and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the crown (see Fig VIII, dimension B) If the outermost point of the heel is not clearly defined, it is deemed to be 0875 inches (2223 mm) above the horizontal plane on which the club is lying (see Fig VIII, dimension C) (iv) For clubs other than putters the axis of the grip must coincide with the axis of the shaft (v) A putter may have two grips provided each is circular in crosssection, the axis of each coincides with the axis of the shaft, and they are separated by at least 15 inches (381 mm) 4. Clubhead a. Plain in Shape The clubhead must be generally plain in shape All parts must be rigid, structural in nature and functional The clubhead or its parts must not be designed to resemble any other object It is not practicable to define plain in shape precisely and comprehensively However, features that are deemed to be in breach of this requirement and are therefore not permitted include, but are not limited to: (i) All Clubs • holes through the face; • holes through the head (some exceptions may be made for putters and cavity back irons); • features that are for the purpose of meeting dimensional specifications; • features that extend into or ahead of the face; • features that extend significantly above the top line of the head; • furrows in or runners on the head that extend into the face (some exceptions may be made for putters); and • optical or electronic devices (ii) Woods and Irons • all features listed in (i) above; • cavities in the outline of the heel and/or the toe of the head that can be viewed from above; • severe or multiple cavities in the outline of the back of the head that can be viewed from above; • transparent material added to the head with the intention of 60ș Heel Toe Crown C B 0.875’ ’ Sole BackFac e AFig. VIII Appendix II 173Appendix II172 For traditionally shaped heads, these dimensions will be measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of: • the heel and the toe of the head; • the heel and the toe of the face; and • the face and the back; and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the top of the head For unusually shaped heads, the toe to heel dimension may be made at the face c. Spring Effect and Dynamic Properties The design, material and/or construction of, or any treatment to, the clubhead (which includes the club face) must not: (i) have the effect of a spring which exceeds the limit set forth in the Pendulum Test Protocol on file with the R&A; or (ii) incorporate features or technology including, but not limited to, separate springs or spring features, that have the intent of, or the effect of, unduly influencing the clubhead’s spring effect; or (iii) unduly influence the movement of the ball Note: (i) above does not apply to putters d. Striking Faces The clubhead must have only one striking face, except that a putter may have two such faces if their characteristics are the same, and they are opposite each other 5. Club Face a. General The face of the club must be hard and rigid and must not impart significantly more or less spin to the ball than a standard steel face (some exceptions may be made for putters) Except for such markings listed below, the club face must be smooth and must not have any degree of concavity The volume of the clubhead must not exceed 460 cubic centimetres (2806 cubic inches), plus a tolerance of 10 cubic centimetres (061 cubic inches) When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the moment of inertia component around the vertical axis through the clubhead’s centre of gravity must not exceed 5900 g cm2 (32259 oz in2), plus a test tolerance of 100 g cm2 (0547 oz in2) (ii) Irons When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back (iii) Putters (see Fig. IX) When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that: • the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the head is less than or equal to 7 inches (1778 mm); • the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to two thirds of the distance from the face to the back of the head; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to half of the distance from the heel to the toe of the head; and • the distance from the sole to the top of the head, including any permitted features, is less than or equal to 25 inches (635 mm) Top View Face View Back A D CB Face A 7 B 2/3 C B 1/2 A A > C D 2.5 Fig. IX Appendix II 175Appendix II174 mm), using the 30 degree method of measurement on file with the R&A • The distance between edges of adjacent grooves (S) must not be less than three times the width of the grooves, and not less than 0075 inches (1905 mm) • The depth of each groove must not exceed 0020 inches (0508 mm) • *For clubs other than driving clubs, the cross-sectional area (A) of a groove divided by the groove pitch (W+S) must not exceed 00030 square inches per inch (00762 mm2/mm) (see Fig XII) • Grooves must not have sharp edges or raised lips • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, groove edges must be substantially in the form of a round having an effective radius which is not less than 0010 inches (0254 mm) when measured as shown in Fig XIII, and not greater than 0020 inches (0508 mm) Deviations in effective radius within 0001 inches (00254 mm) are permissible (ii) Punch Marks • The maximum dimension of any punch mark must not exceed 0075 inches (1905 mm) • The distance between adjacent punch marks (or between punch b. Impact Area Roughness and Material Except for markings specified in the following paragraphs, the surface roughness within the area where impact is intended (the “impact area”) must not exceed that of decorative sandblasting, or of fine milling (see Fig X) The whole of the impact area must be of the same material (exceptions may be made for clubheads made of wood) c. Impact Area Markings If a club has grooves and/or punch marks in the impact area they must meet the following specifications: (i) Grooves • Grooves must be straight and parallel • Grooves must have a symmetrical cross-section and have sides which do not converge (see Fig XI) • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, grooves must have a plain cross-section • The width, spacing and cross-section of the grooves must be consistent throughout the impact area (some exceptions may be made for woods) • The width (W) of each groove must not exceed 0035 inches (09 Illustrative impact area Fig. X *URRYHGHSWK PD[” *URRYHZLGWK PD[” $[LVRI 6\PPHWU\ &RQIRUPLQJ 1RQ&RQIRUPLQJ &RQYHUJLQJ $V\PPHWULF ƒƒ Fig. XI &RQIRUPLQJ 1RQ&RQIRUPLQJ 5 ” ” Fig. XIII Fig. XII A W + S 30° 30° < 0.0030in2 / in Appendix II / III 177Appendix II176 marks and grooves) must not be less than 0168 inches (427 mm), measured from centre to centre • The depth of any punch mark must not exceed 0040 inches (102 mm) • Punch marks must not have sharp edges or raised lips • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, punch mark edges must be substantially in the form of a round having an effective radius which is not less than 0010 inches (0254 mm) when measured as shown in Figure XIII, and not greater than 0020 inches (0508 mm) Deviations in effective radius within 0001 inches (00254 mm) are permissible Note 1: The groove and punch mark specifications above indicated by an asterisk (*) apply only to new models of clubs manufactured on or after 1 January 2010 and any club where the face markings have been purposely altered, for example, by re-grooving For further information on the status of clubs available before 1 January 2010, refer to the ‘‘Equipment Search’’ section of wwwrandaorg Note 2: The Committee may require, in the conditions of competition, that the clubs the player carries must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications above indicated by an asterisk (*) This condition is recommended only for competitions involving expert players For further information, refer to Decision 4-1/1 in ‘‘Decisions on the Rules of Golf’’ d. Decorative Markings The centre of the impact area may be indicated by a design within the boundary of a square whose sides are 0375 inches (953 mm) in length Such a design must not unduly influence the movement of the ball Decorative markings are permitted outside the impact area e. Non-Metallic Club Face Markings The above specifications do not apply to clubheads made of wood on which the impact area of the face is of a material of hardness less than the hardness of metal and whose loft angle is 24 degrees or less, but markings which could unduly influence the movement of the ball are prohibited f. Putter Face Markings Any markings on the face of a putter must not have sharp edges or raised lips The specifications with regard to roughness, material and markings in the impact area do not apply Appendix III – The Ball A player in doubt as to the conformity of a ball should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A samples of a ball to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the ball conforms with the Rules The samples become the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit samples or, having submitted samples, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the ball, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the ball does not conform with the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of the ball, together with specifications and interpretations Further information relating to these regulations and their proper interpretation is provided in “A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and Balls” Where a ball is required to meet a specification within the Rules, it must be designed and manufactured with the intention of meeting that specification 1. General The ball must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make The material and construction of the ball must not be contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules Appendix IV 179Appendix III / IV178 2. Weight The weight of the ball must not be greater than 1620 ounces avoirdupois (4593 g) 3. Size The diameter of the ball must not be less than 1680 inches (4267 mm) 4. Spherical Symmetry The ball must not be designed, manufactured or intentionally modified to have properties which differ from those of a spherically symmetrical ball 5. Initial Velocity The initial velocity of the ball must not exceed the limit specified under the conditions set forth in the Initial Velocity Standard for golf balls on file with the R&A 6. Overall Distance Standard The combined carry and roll of the ball, when tested on apparatus approved by the R&A, must not exceed the distance specified under the conditions set forth in the Overall Distance Standard for golf balls on file with the R&A Appendix IV – Devices and Other Equipment A player in doubt as to whether use of a device or other equipment would constitute a breach of the Rules should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A a sample of a device or other equipment to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether its use during a stipulated round would cause a player to be in breach of Rule 14-3 The sample becomes the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or, having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the device or other equipment, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that use of the device or other equipment would be contrary to the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of devices and other equipment, together with specifications and interpretations They should be read in conjunction with Rule 11-1 (Teeing) and Rule 14-3 (Artificial Devices, Unusual Equipment and Abnormal Use of Equipment) 1. Tees (Rule 11) A tee is a device designed to raise the ball off the ground A tee must not: • be longer than 4 inches (1016 mm); • be designed or manufactured in such a way that it could indicate line of play; • unduly influence the movement of the ball; or • otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 2. Gloves (Rule 14-3) Gloves may be worn to assist the player in gripping the club, provided they are plain A “plain” glove must: • consist of a fitted covering of the hand with a separate sheath or opening for each digit (fingers and thumb); and • be made of smooth materials on the full palm and gripping surface of the digits A “plain” glove must not incorporate: • material on the gripping surface or inside of the glove, the primary purpose of which is to provide padding or which has the effect of providing padding Padding is defined as an area of glove material which is more than 0025 inches (0635 mm) thicker than the adjacent areas of the glove without the added material; Appendix IV 181Appendix IV180 Note: Material may be added for wear resistance, moisture absorption or other functional purposes, provided it does not exceed the definition of padding (see above) • straps to assist in preventing the club from slipping or to attach the hand to the club; • any means of binding digits together; • material on the glove that adheres to material on the grip; • features, other than visual aids, designed to assist the player in placing his hands in a consistent and/or specific position on the grip; • weight to assist the player in making a stroke; • any feature that might restrict the movement of a joint; or • any other feature that might assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 3. Shoes (Rule 14-3) Shoes that assist the player in obtaining a firm stance may be worn Subject to the conditions of competition, features such as spikes on the sole are permitted, but shoes must not incorporate features: • designed to assist the player in taking his stance and/or building a stance; • designed to assist the player with his alignment; or • that might otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 4. Clothing (Rule 14-3) Articles of clothing must not incorporate features: • designed to assist the player with his alignment; or • that might otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 2016 Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section – see pages 30-45 General As provided in Rule 33-8a, the Committee may make and publish Local Rules for local abnormal conditions if they are consistent with the policies established in this Appendix In addition, detailed information regarding acceptable and prohibited Local Rules is provided in “Decisions on the Rules of Golf” under Rule 33-8 and in “Guidance on Running a Competition” If local abnormal conditions interfere with the proper playing of the game and the Committee considers it necessary to modify a Rule of Golf, authorisation from the R&A must be obtained Within the policies established in Appendix I, the Committee may adopt Specimen Local Rules by referring, on a score card or notice board, to the examples given below However, Specimen Local Rules of a temporary nature should not be printed on a score card 1. Course – Defining Boundaries, Margins and Status of Objects The Committee may adopt Local Rules: • Specifying means used to define out of bounds, water hazards, lateral water hazards, ground under repair, obstructions and integral parts of the course (Rule 33-2a) • Clarifying the status of water hazards that may be lateral water hazards (Rule 26) Appendix I 141Appendix I140 2. Ball in Environmentally-Sensitive Area Ground Under Repair: If a ball is in an ESA defined as ground under repair, a ball must be dropped in accordance with Rule 25-1b If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as ground under repair, the player may take relief, without penalty, as prescribed in Rule 25-1c Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards: If the ball is found in or if it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in an ESA defined as a water hazard or lateral water hazard, the player must, under penalty of one stroke, proceed under Rule 26-1 Note: If a ball dropped in accordance with Rule 26 rolls into a position where the ESA interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, the player must take relief as provided in Clause 3 of this Local Rule Out of Bounds: If a ball is in an ESA defined as out of bounds, the player must play a ball, under penalty of one stroke, as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5) 3. Interference with Stance or Area of Intended Swing Interference by an ESA occurs when the ESA interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing If interference exists, the player must take relief as follows: (a) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference by the ESA and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green The player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above (b) In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift the ball and drop it either: the ball lies in a water hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard, or the player may proceed under Rule 26 The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Local Rule Exception: A player may not obtain relief under this Local Rule if (a) interference by anything other than such a tree makes the stroke clearly impracticable or (b) interference by such a tree would occur only through the use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” c. Environmentally-Sensitive Areas If an appropriate authority (ie a Government Agency or the like) prohibits entry into and/or play from an area on or adjoining the course for environmental reasons, the Committee should make a Local Rule clarifying the relief procedure The Committee may not declare an area to be environmentally-sensitive The Committee has some discretion in terms of whether the area is defined as ground under repair, a water hazard or out of bounds However, it may not simply define an area to be a water hazard if it does not meet the Definition of a “Water Hazard” and it should attempt to preserve the character of the hole The following Local Rule is recommended: “1. Definition An environmentally-sensitive area (ESA) is an area so declared by an appropriate authority, entry into and/or play from which is prohibited for environmental reasons The__________(defined by__________) are ‘environmentally-sensitive areas’ (ESAs) These areas are to be played as (ground under repair – water hazards – out of bounds) Appendix I 143Appendix I142 warranted, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, a ball that is embedded may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green Note: A ball is “embedded” when it is in its own pitch-mark and part of the ball is below the level of the ground  A ball does not necessarily have to touch the soil to be embedded (eg grass, loose impediments and the like may intervene between the ball and the soil) Exceptions: 1. A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if the ball is embedded in sand in an area that is not closely-mown 2. A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if interference by anything other than the condition covered by this Local Rule makes the stroke clearly impracticable PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” b. “Preferred Lies” and “Winter Rules” Ground under repair is provided for in Rule 25, and occasional local abnormal conditions that might interfere with fair play and are not widespread should be defined as ground under repair However, adverse conditions, such as heavy snows, spring thaws, prolonged rains or extreme heat can make fairways unsatisfactory and sometimes prevent use of heavy mowing equipment When these conditions are so general throughout a course that the Committee believes “preferred lies” or “winter rules” would promote fair play or help protect the course, the following Local Rule (which should be withdrawn as soon as conditions warrant) is recommended: “A ball lying on a closely-mown area through the green (or specify a more restricted area, eg at the 6th hole) may be lifted without penalty and cleaned Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within (i) Without penalty, in the hazard, as near as possible to the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole, on a part of the course that provides complete relief from the ESA; or (ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard, keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped Additionally, the player may proceed under Rule 26 or 28 if applicable (c) On the Putting Green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player must lift the ball and place it, without penalty, in the nearest position to where it lay that affords complete relief from the ESA, but not nearer the hole or in a hazard The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause 3 of this Local Rule Exception: A player must not take relief under Clause 3 of this Local Rule if (a) interference by anything other than an ESA makes the stroke clearly impracticable or (b) interference by an ESA would occur only through the use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes Note: In the case of a serious breach of this Local Rule, the Committee may impose a penalty of disqualification” 3. Course Conditions a. Embedded Ball Course conditions, including mud and extreme wetness, may interfere with proper playing of the game and warrant relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green Rule 25-2 provides relief, without penalty, for a ball embedded in its own pitch-mark in any closely-mown area through the green On the putting green, a ball may be lifted and damage caused by the impact of a ball may be repaired (Rules 16-1b and c) When permission to take relief for an embedded ball anywhere through the green would be Appendix I 145Appendix I144 d. Aeration Holes When a course has been aerated, a Local Rule permitting relief, without penalty, from an aeration hole may be warranted The following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to the spot where it lay but not nearer the hole The ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course through the green On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” e. Seams of Cut Turf If a Committee wishes to allow relief from seams of cut turf, but not from the turf itself, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Through the green, seams of cut turf (not the turf itself) are deemed to be ground under repair However, interference by a seam with the player’s stance is deemed not to be, of itself, interference under Rule 25-1 If the ball lies in or touches the seam or the seam interferes with the area of intended swing, relief is available under Rule 25-1 All seams within the cut turf area are considered the same seam PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” f. Stones in Bunkers Stones are, by definition, loose impediments and, when a player’s ball is in a hazard, a stone lying in or touching the hazard may not be touched or moved (Rule 13-4) However, stones in bunkers may represent a danger to players (a player could be injured by a stone struck by the player’s club in an attempt to play the ball) and they may interfere with the proper playing of the game (specify area, eg six inches, one club-length, etc) of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed (Rule 20-4) If the ball fails to come to rest on the spot on which it was placed, Rule 20-3d applies If the ball when placed comes to rest on the spot on which it is placed and it subsequently moves, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies, unless the provisions of any other Rule apply If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it, moves the ball-marker prior to putting the ball back into play or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke Note: “Closely-mown area” means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes *If a player incurs the general penalty for a breach of this Local Rule, no additional penalty under the Local Rule is applied” c. Cleaning Ball Conditions, such as extreme wetness causing significant amounts of mud to adhere to the ball, may be such that permission to lift, clean and replace the ball would be appropriate In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended: “(Specify area, eg at the 6th hole, on a closely-mown area, anywhere through the green, etc) a ball may be lifted and cleaned without penalty The ball must be replaced Note: The position of the ball must be marked before it is lifted under this Local Rule – see Rule 20-1 PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Appendix I 147Appendix I146 Exception: A player may not take relief under this Local Rule if interference by anything other than the immovable obstruction makes the stroke clearly impracticable PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Note: The Committee may restrict this Local Rule to specific holes, to balls lying only in closely-mown areas, to specific obstructions, or, in the case of obstructions that are not on the putting green, to obstructions in closely-mown areas if so desired “Closely-mown area” means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less b. Temporary Immovable Obstructions When temporary obstructions are installed on or adjoining the course, the Committee should define the status of such obstructions as movable, immovable or temporary immovable obstructions If the Committee defines such obstructions as temporary immovable obstructions, the following Local Rule is recommended: “1. Definition A temporary immovable obstruction (TIO) is a non-permanent artificial object that is often erected in conjunction with a competition and is fixed or not readily movable Examples of TIOs include, but are not limited to, tents, scoreboards, grandstands, television towers and lavatories Supporting guy wires are part of the TIO, unless the Committee declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables 2. Interference Interference by a TIO occurs when (a) the ball lies in front of and so close to the TIO that the TIO interferes with the player’s stance or the area of his intended swing, or (b) the ball lies in, on, under or behind the TIO so that any part of the TIO intervenes directly When permission to lift a stone in a bunker is warranted, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies)” 4. Obstructions a. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Green (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) Rule 24-2 provides relief, without penalty, from interference by an immovable obstruction, but it also provides that, except on the putting green, intervention on the line of play is not, of itself, interference under this Rule However, on some courses, the aprons of the putting green are so closely-mown that players may wish to putt from just off the green In such conditions, immovable obstructions on the apron may interfere with the proper playing of the game and the introduction of the following Local Rule providing additional relief, without penalty, from intervention by an immovable obstruction would be warranted: “Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 24-2 In addition, if a ball lies through the green and an immovable obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green If the player’s ball lies on the putting green and an immovable obstruction within two club-lengths of the putting green intervenes on his line of putt, the player may take relief as follows: The ball must be lifted and placed at the nearest point to where the ball lay that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids intervention and (c) is not in a hazard The ball may be cleaned when lifted Appendix I 149Appendix I148 precludes the player from proceeding under Rule 26 or Rule 28, if applicable Note 2: If a ball to be dropped under this Local Rule is not immediately recoverable, another ball may be substituted Note 3: A Committee may make a Local Rule (a) permitting or requiring a player to use a dropping zone when taking relief from a TIO or (b) permitting a player, as an additional relief option, to drop the ball on the opposite side of the TIO from the point established under Clause 3, but otherwise in accordance with Clause 3 Exceptions: If a player’s ball lies in front of or behind the TIO (not in, on or under the TIO), he may not obtain relief under Clause 3 if: 1. Interference by anything other than the TIO makes it clearly impracticable for him to make a stroke or, in the case of intervention, to make a stroke such that the ball could finish on a direct line to the hole; 2. Interference by the TIO would occur only through use of a clearly unreasonable stroke or an unnecessarily abnormal stance, swing or direction of play; or 3. In the case of intervention, it would be clearly impracticable to expect the player to be able to strike the ball far enough towards the hole to reach the TIO A player who is not entitled to relief due to these exceptions may, if the ball lies through the green or in a bunker, obtain relief as provided in Rule 24-2b, if applicable If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player may lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard, or the player may proceed under Rule 26-1 4. Ball in TIO Not Found If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in, on or under a TIO, a ball may be dropped under the provisions of Clause 3 or Clause 5, if applicable For the purpose of applying Clauses 3 and 5, the ball is deemed to lie at the spot where it last between the player’s ball and the hole and is on his line of play; interference also exists if the ball lies within one club-length of a spot equidistant from the hole where such intervention would exist Note: A ball is under a TIO when it is below the outermost edges of the TIO, even if these edges do not extend downwards to the ground 3. Relief A player may obtain relief from interference by a TIO, including a TIO that is out of bounds, as follows: (a) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause 2 and (c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green The player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfills (a), (b) and (c) above (b) In a Hazard: If the ball is in a hazard, the player must lift and drop the ball either: (i) Without penalty, in accordance with Clause 3(a) above, except that the nearest part of the course affording complete relief must be in the hazard and the ball must be dropped in the hazard, or, if complete relief is impossible, on a part of the course within the hazard that affords maximum available relief; or (ii) Under penalty of one stroke, outside the hazard as follows: the point on the course nearest to where the ball lies must be determined that (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids interference as defined in Clause 2 and (c) is not in a hazard The player must drop the ball within one club-length of the point so determined on a part of the course that fulfils (a), (b) and (c) above The ball may be cleaned when lifted under Clause 3 Note 1: If the ball lies in a hazard, nothing in this Local Rule Appendix I 151Appendix I150 Exception: A stroke that results in a ball striking an elevated junction section of cable rising from the ground must not be replayed 4 Grass-covered cable trenches are ground under repair, even if not marked, and Rule 25-1b applies PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” 5. Water Hazards - Playing Ball Provisionally Under Rule 26-1 If a water hazard (including a lateral water hazard) is of such size and shape and/or located in such a position that: (i) it would be impracticable to determine whether the ball is in the hazard or to do so would unduly delay play, and (ii) if the original ball is not found, it is known or virtually certain that it is in the water hazard, the Committee may introduce a Local Rule permitting the play of a ball provisionally under Rule 26-1 The ball is played provisionally under any of the applicable options under Rule 26-1 or any applicable Local Rule In such a case, if a ball is played provisionally and the original ball is in a water hazard, the player may play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally, but he may not proceed under Rule 26-1 with regard to the original ball In these circumstances, the following Local Rule is recommended: “If there is doubt whether a ball is in or is lost in the water hazard (specify location), the player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 26-1 If the original ball is found outside the water hazard, the player must continue play with it If the original ball is found in the water hazard, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally under Rule 26-1 If the original ball is not found or identified within the five-minute crossed the outermost limits of the TIO (Rule 24-3) 5. Dropping Zones If the player has interference from a TIO, the Committee may permit or require the use of a dropping zone If the player uses a dropping zone in taking relief, he must drop the ball in the dropping zone nearest to where his ball originally lay or is deemed to lie under Clause 4 (even though the nearest dropping zone may be nearer the hole) Note: A Committee may make a Local Rule prohibiting the use of a dropping zone that is nearer the hole PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” c. Temporary Power Lines and Cables When temporary power lines, cables or telephone lines are installed on the course, the following Local Rule is recommended: “Temporary power lines, cables, telephone lines and mats covering or stanchions supporting them are obstructions: 1 If they are readily movable, Rule 24-1 applies 2 If they are fixed or not readily movable, the player may, if the ball lies through the green or in a bunker, obtain relief as provided in Rule 24-2b If the ball lies in a water hazard, the player may lift and drop the ball in accordance with Rule 24-2b(i), except that the nearest point of relief must be in the water hazard and the ball must be dropped in the water hazard or the player may proceed under Rule 26 3 If a ball strikes an elevated power line or cable, the stroke is cancelled and the player must play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was played in accordance with Rule 20-5 (Making Next Stroke from Where Previous Stroke Made) Note: Guy wires supporting a temporary immovable obstruction are part of the temporary immovable obstruction, unless the Committee, by Local Rule, declares that they are to be treated as elevated power lines or cables Appendix I 153Appendix I152 (b) The dropped ball must first strike a part of the course within the dropping zone (c) If the dropping zone is defined by a line, the line is within the dropping zone (d) The dropped ball does not have to come to rest within the dropping zone (e) The dropped ball must be re-dropped if it rolls and comes to rest in a position covered by Rule 20-2c(i-vi) (f) The dropped ball may roll nearer the hole than the spot where it first struck a part of the course, provided it comes to rest within two club-lengths of that spot and not into any of the positions covered by (e) (g) Subject to the provisions of (e) and (f), the dropped ball may roll and come to rest nearer the hole than: • its original position or estimated position (see Rule 20-2b); • the nearest point of relief or maximum available relief (Rule 24-2, 25-1 or 25-3); or • the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or lateral water hazard (Rule 26-1) 7. Distance-Measuring Devices If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note under Rule 14-3, the following Local Rule is recommended: “(Specify as appropriate, eg In this competition, or For all play at this course, etc), a player may obtain distance information by use of a distance-measuring device If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (eg elevation changes, wind speed, etc), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3” search period, the player must continue with the ball played provisionally PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” 6. Dropping Zones The Committee may establish dropping zones on which balls may or must be dropped when the Committee considers that it is not feasible or practicable to proceed exactly in conformity with Rule 24-2b or Rule 24-3 (Immovable Obstruction), Rule 25-1b or 25-1c (Abnormal Ground Conditions), 25-3 (Wrong Putting Green), Rule 26-1 (Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards) or Rule 28 (Ball Unplayable) Generally, such dropping zones should be provided as an additional relief option to those available under the Rule itself, rather than being mandatory Using the example of a dropping zone for a water hazard, when such a dropping zone is established, the following Local Rule is recommended: “If a ball is in or it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard (specify location), the player may: (i) proceed under Rule 26-1; or (ii) as an additional option, drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the dropping zone PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes” Note: When using a dropping zone the following provisions apply regarding the dropping and re-dropping of the ball: (a) The player does not have to stand within the dropping zone when dropping the ball Appendix I 155Appendix I154 Exception: A driver with a clubhead that was manufactured prior to 1999 is exempt from this condition *PENALTY FOR CARRYING, BUT NOT MAKING STROKE WITH, CLUB OR CLUBS IN BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *Any club or clubs carried in breach of this condition must be declared out of play by the player to his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred If the player fails to do so, he is disqualified PENALTY FOR MAKING STROKE WITH CLUB IN BREACH OF CONDITION: Disqualification” b. List of Conforming Golf Balls On its website (wwwrandaorg) the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Golf Balls that lists balls that have been tested and found to conform with the Rules of Golf If the Committee wishes to require players to play a model of golf ball on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used: “The ball the player plays must be named on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the R&A Part B Conditions of the Competition Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section – see pages 30-45 General Rule 33-1 provides, “The Committee must establish the conditions under which a competition is to be played” The conditions should include many matters such as method of entry, eligibility, number of rounds to be played, etc which it is not appropriate to deal with in the Rules of Golf or this Appendix Detailed information regarding these conditions is provided in “Decisions on the Rules of Golf” under Rule 33-1 and in “Guidance on Running a Competition”  However, there are a number of matters that might be covered in the Conditions of the Competition to which the Committee’s attention is specifically drawn These are: 1. Specification of Clubs and the Ball The following conditions are recommended only for competitions involving expert players: a. List of Conforming Driver Heads On its website (wwwrandaorg) the R&A periodically issues a List of Conforming Driver Heads that lists driving clubheads that have been evaluated and found to conform with the Rules of Golf If the Committee wishes to limit players to drivers that have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is on the List, the List should be made available and the following condition of competition used: “Any driver the player carries must have a clubhead, identified by model and loft, that is named on the current List of Conforming Driver Heads issued by the R&A Appendix I 157Appendix I156 2. Caddie (Note to Rule 6-4) Rule 6-4 permits a player to use a caddie, provided he has only one caddie at any one time However, there may be circumstances where a Committee may wish to prohibit caddies or restrict a player in his choice of caddie, eg professional golfer, sibling, parent, another player in the competition, etc In such cases, the following wording is recommended: “Use of Caddie Prohibited A player is prohibited from using a caddie during the stipulated round” “Restriction on Who May Serve as Caddie A player is prohibited from having ___________ serve as his caddie during the stipulated round *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *A player having a caddie in breach of this condition must immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred ensure that he conforms with this condition for the remainder of the stipulated round Otherwise, the player is disqualified” PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Disqualification” c. One Ball Condition If it is desired to prohibit changing brands and models of golf balls during a stipulated round, the following condition is recommended: “Limitation on Balls Used During Round: (Note to Rule 5-1) (i) “One Ball” Condition During a stipulated round, the balls a player plays must be of the same brand and model as detailed by a single entry on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls Note: If a ball of a different brand and/or model is dropped or placed it may be lifted, without penalty, and the player must then proceed by dropping or placing a proper ball (Rule 20-6) PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Bogey and Par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b (ii) Procedure When Breach Discovered When a player discovers that he has played a ball in breach of this condition, he must abandon that ball before playing from the next teeing ground and complete the round with a proper ball; otherwise, the player is disqualified If discovery is made during play of a hole and the player elects to substitute a proper ball before completing that hole, the player must place a proper ball on the spot where the ball played in breach of the condition lay” Appendix I 159Appendix I158 b. Practice Between Holes (Note 2 to Rule 7) If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 7-2, the following wording is recommended: “Between the play of two holes, a player must not make any practice stroke on or near the putting green of the hole last played and must not test the surface of the putting green of the hole last played by rolling a ball PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – Loss of next hole Stroke play – Two strokes at the next hole Match play or stroke play – In the case of a breach at the last hole of the stipulated round, the player incurs the penalty at that hole” 6. Advice in Team Competitions (Note to Rule 8) If the Committee wishes to act in accordance with the Note under Rule 8, the following wording is recommended: “In accordance with the Note to Rule 8 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one person (in addition to the persons from whom advice may be asked under that Rule) who may give advice to members of that team Such person (if it is desired to insert any restriction on who may be nominated insert such restriction here) must be identified to the Committee before giving advice” 7. New Holes (Note to Rule 33-2b) The Committee may provide, in accordance with the Note to Rule 33-2b, that the holes and teeing grounds for a single round of a competition being held on more than one day may be differently situated on each day 8. Transportation If it is desired to require players to walk in a competition, the following condition is recommended: “Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorised by the Committee 3. Pace of Play (Note 2 to Rule 6-7) The Committee may establish pace of play guidelines to help prevent slow play, in accordance with Note 2 to Rule 6-7 4. Suspension of Play Due to a Dangerous Situation (Note to Rule 6-8b) As there have been many deaths and injuries from lightning on golf courses, all clubs and sponsors of golf competitions are urged to take precautions for the protection of persons against lightning Attention is called to Rules 6-8 and 33-2d If the Committee desires to adopt the condition in the Note under Rule 6-8b, the following wording is recommended: “When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, if the players in a match or group are between the play of two holes, they must not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play If they are in the process of playing a hole, they must discontinue play immediately and not resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play If a player fails to discontinue play immediately, he is disqualified, unless circumstances warrant waiving the penalty as provided in Rule 33-7 The signal for suspending play due to a dangerous situation will be a prolonged note of the siren” The following signals are generally used and it is recommended that all Committees do similarly: Discontinue Play Immediately: One prolonged note of siren Discontinue Play: Three consecutive notes of siren, repeated Resume Play: Two short notes of siren, repeated 5. Practice a. General The Committee may make regulations governing practice in accordance with the Note to Rule 7-1, Exception (c) to Rule 7-2, Note 2 to Rule 7-2 and Rule 33-2c Appendix I 161Appendix I160 Stroke Play (a) In the event of a tie in a scratch stroke play competition, a play-off is recommended The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee If that is not feasible or there is still a tie, a hole-by-hole play-off is recommended (b) In the event of a tie in a handicap stroke play competition, a play-off with handicaps is recommended The play-off may be over 18 holes or a smaller number of holes as specified by the Committee It is recommended that any such play-off consist of at least three holes In competitions where the handicap stroke allocation table is not relevant, if the play-off is less than 18 holes, the percentage of 18 holes played should be applied to the players’ handicaps to determine their play-off handicaps Handicap stroke fractions of one half stroke or more should count as a full stroke and any lesser fraction should be disregarded In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s) (c) If a play-off of any type is not feasible, matching score cards is recommended The method of matching cards should be announced in advance and should also provide what will happen if this procedure does not produce a winner An acceptable method of matching cards is to determine the winner on the basis of the best score for the last nine holes If the tying players have the same score for the last nine, determine the winner on the basis of the last six holes, last three holes and finally the 18th hole If this method is used in a competition with a multiple tee start, it is recommended that the “last nine holes, last six holes, etc” is considered to be holes 10-18, 13-18, etc *PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONDITION: Match play – At the conclusion of the hole at which the breach is discovered, the state of the match is adjusted by deducting one hole for each hole at which a breach occurred; maximum deduction per round – Two holes Stroke play – Two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred; maximum penalty per round – Four strokes (two strokes at each of the first two holes at which any breach occurred) Match play or stroke play – If a breach is discovered between the play of two holes, it is deemed to have been discovered during play of the next hole, and the penalty must be applied accordingly Bogey and par competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1a Stableford competitions – See Note 1 to Rule 32-1b *Use of any unauthorised form of transportation must be discontinued immediately upon discovery that a breach has occurred Otherwise, the player is disqualified” 9. Anti-Doping The Committee may require, in the conditions of competition, that players comply with an anti-doping policy 10. How to Decide Ties In both match play and stroke play, a tie can be an acceptable result However, when it is desired to have a sole winner, the Committee has the authority, under Rule 33-6, to determine how and when a tie is decided The decision should be published in advance The R&A recommends: “Match Play A match that ends all square should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole The play-off should start on the hole where the match began In a handicap match, handicap strokes should be allowed as in the stipulated round Appendix I 163Appendix I162 UPPER HALF LOWER HALF UPPER HALF LOWER HALF 64 QUALIFIERS 32 QUALIFIERS 1 vs 64 2 vs 63 1 vs 32 2 vs 31 32 vs 33 31 vs 34 16 vs 17 15 vs 18 16 vs 49 15 vs 50 8 vs 25 7 vs 26 17 vs 48 18 vs 47 9 vs 24 10 vs 23 8 vs 57 7 vs 58 4 vs 29 3 vs 30 25 vs 40 26 vs 39 13 vs 20 14 vs 19 9 vs 56 10 vs 55 5 vs 28 6 vs 27 24 vs 41 23 vs 42 12 vs 21 11 vs 22 4 vs 61 3 vs 62 16 QUALIFIERS 29 vs 36 30 vs 35 1 vs 16 2 vs15 13 vs 52 14 vs 51 8 vs 9 7 vs10 20 vs 45 19 vs 46 4 vs 13 3 vs14 5 vs 60 6 vs 59 5 vs 12 6 vs 11 28 vs 37 27 vs 38 8 QUALIFIERS 12 vs 53 11 vs 54 1 vs 8 2 vs 7 21 vs 44 22 vs 43 4 vs 5 3 vs 6 For competitions where the handicap stroke table is not relevant, such as individual stroke play, if the last nine, last six, last three holes scenario is used, one-half, one-third, one-sixth, etc of the handicaps should be deducted from the score for those holes In terms of the use of fractions in such deductions, the Committee should act in accordance with the recommendations of the relevant handicapping authority In competitions where the handicap stroke table is relevant, such as four-ball stroke play and bogey, par and Stableford competitions, handicap strokes should be taken as they were assigned for the competition, using the players’ respective stroke allocation table(s)” 11. Draw for Match Play Although the draw for match play may be completely blind or certain players may be distributed through different quarters or eighths, the General Numerical Draw is recommended if matches are determined by a qualifying round General Numerical Draw For purposes of determining places in the draw, ties in qualifying rounds other than those for the last qualifying place are decided by the order in which scores are returned, with the first score to be returned receiving the lowest available number, etc If it is impossible to determine the order in which scores are returned, ties are determined by a blind draw Appendix II 165Appendix II164 Further information relating to these regulations and their proper interpretation is provided in “A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and Balls” Where a club, or part of a club, is required to meet a specification within the Rules, it must be designed and manufactured with the intention of meeting that specification 1. Clubs a. General A club is an implement designed to be used for striking the ball and generally comes in three forms: woods, irons and putters distinguished by shape and intended use A putter is a club with a loft not exceeding ten degrees designed primarily for use on the putting green The club must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make The club must be composed of a shaft and a head and it may also have material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold (see 3 below) All parts of the club must be fixed so that the club is one unit, and it must have no external attachments Exceptions may be made for attachments that do not affect the performance of the club b. Adjustability All clubs may incorporate features for weight adjustment Other forms of adjustability may also be permitted upon evaluation by the R&A The following requirements apply to all permissible methods of adjustment: (i) the adjustment cannot be readily made; (ii) all adjustable parts are firmly fixed and there is no reasonable likelihood of them working loose during a round; and (iii) all configurations of adjustment conform with the Rules During a stipulated round, the playing characteristics of a club must not be purposely changed by adjustment or by any other means (see Rule 4-2a) Appendices II, III and IV Definitions All defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in the Definitions section - see pages 30-45 The R&A reserves the right, at any time, to change the Rules relating to clubs, balls, devices and other equipment and make or change the interpretations relating to these Rules For up to date information, please contact the R&A or refer to wwwrandaorg/equipmentrules Any design in a club, ball, device or other equipment that is not covered by the Rules, which is contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules or that might significantly change the nature of the game, will be ruled on by the R&A The dimensions and limits contained in Appendices II, III and IV are given in the units by which conformance is determined An equivalent imperial/metric conversion is also referenced for information, calculated using a conversion rate of 1 inch = 254 mm Appendix II – Design of Clubs A player in doubt as to the conformity of a club should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A a sample of a club to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the club conforms with the Rules The sample becomes the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or, having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the club, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the club does not conform with the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of clubs, together with specifications and interpretations Appendix II 167Appendix II166 (ii) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane along the intended line of play must not diverge from the vertical by more than 20 degrees forwards or 10 degrees backwards (see Fig III) Except for putters, all of the heel portion of the club must lie within 0625 inches (1588 mm) of the plane containing the axis of the straight part of the shaft and the intended (horizontal) line of play (see Fig IV) c. Length The overall length of the club must be at least 18 inches (0457 m) and, except for putters, must not exceed 48 inches (1219 m) For woods and irons, the measurement of length is taken when the club is lying on a horizontal plane and the sole is set against a 60 degree plane as shown in Fig I The length is defined as the distance from the point of the intersection between the two planes to the top of the grip For putters, the measurement of length is taken from the top of the grip along the axis of the shaft or a straight line extension of it to the sole of the club d. Alignment When the club is in its normal address position the shaft must be so aligned that: (i) the projection of the straight part of the shaft on to the vertical plane through the toe and heel must diverge from the vertical by at least 10 degrees (see Fig II) If the overall design of the club is such that the player can effectively use the club in a vertical or close-tovertical position, the shaft may be required to diverge from the vertical in this plane by as much as 25 degrees; Club length 60ș Fig.I Sole Toe Heel Shaft Axis 10ș Min Fig. II 20ș Max 10ș Max Back Face Fig. III Shaft Axis Shaft Axis Sole Sole 0.625 Max 0.625 Max Fig. IV Appendix II 169Appendix II168 Exception for Putters: The shaft or neck or socket of a putter may be fixed at any point in the head 3. Grip (see Fig. VII) The grip consists of material added to the shaft to enable the player to obtain a firm hold The grip must be fixed to the shaft, must be straight and plain in form, must extend to the end of the shaft and must not be moulded for any part of the hands If no material is added, that portion of the shaft designed to be held by the player must be considered the grip (i) For clubs other than putters the grip must be circular in cross-section, except that a continuous, straight, slightly raised rib may be incorporated along the full length of the grip, and a slightly indented spiral is permitted on a wrapped grip or a replica of one (ii) A putter grip may have a non-circular cross-section, provided the cross-section has no concavity, is symmetrical and remains generally similar throughout the length of the grip (See Clause (v) overleaf) (iii) The grip may be tapered but must not have any bulge or waist Its cross-sectional dimensions measured in any direction must not exceed 175 inches (4445 mm) 2. Shaft a. Straightness The shaft must be straight from the top of the grip to a point not more than 5 inches (127 mm) above the sole, measured from the point where the shaft ceases to be straight along the axis of the bent part of the shaft and the neck and/or socket (see Fig V) b. Bending and Twisting Properties At any point along its length, the shaft must: (i) bend in such a way that the deflection is the same regardless of how the shaft is rotated about its longitudinal axis; and (ii) twist the same amount in both directions c. Attachment to Clubhead The shaft must be attached to the clubhead at the heel either directly or through a single plain neck and/or socket The length from the top of the neck and/ or socket to the sole of the club must not exceed 5 inches (127 mm), measured along the axis of, and following any bend in, the neck and/or socket (see Fig VI) Bent Shaft Axis 5’’ Max Shaft straightness measurement ends here Sole Fig. V Circular cross-section Non-circular cross-section (putters only) Waist (not permitted) Bulge (not permitted) Fig. VII Neck or socket measurement starts here Neck or socket axis 5’’ Max Sole Sole Dotted line shows neck or socket measurement to the sole 5’’ Max Fig. VI Appendix II 171Appendix II170 rendering conforming a feature that is not otherwise permitted; and • features that extend beyond the outline of the head when viewed from above b. Dimensions, Volume and Moment of Inertia (i) Woods When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the dimensions of the clubhead must be such that: • the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is greater than the distance from the face to the back; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the clubhead is not greater than 5 inches (127 mm); and • the distance from the sole to the crown of the clubhead, including any permitted features, is not greater than 28 inches (7112 mm) These dimensions are measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of: • the heel and the toe; and • the face and the back (see Fig VIII, dimension A); and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the crown (see Fig VIII, dimension B) If the outermost point of the heel is not clearly defined, it is deemed to be 0875 inches (2223 mm) above the horizontal plane on which the club is lying (see Fig VIII, dimension C) (iv) For clubs other than putters the axis of the grip must coincide with the axis of the shaft (v) A putter may have two grips provided each is circular in crosssection, the axis of each coincides with the axis of the shaft, and they are separated by at least 15 inches (381 mm) 4. Clubhead a. Plain in Shape The clubhead must be generally plain in shape All parts must be rigid, structural in nature and functional The clubhead or its parts must not be designed to resemble any other object It is not practicable to define plain in shape precisely and comprehensively However, features that are deemed to be in breach of this requirement and are therefore not permitted include, but are not limited to: (i) All Clubs • holes through the face; • holes through the head (some exceptions may be made for putters and cavity back irons); • features that are for the purpose of meeting dimensional specifications; • features that extend into or ahead of the face; • features that extend significantly above the top line of the head; • furrows in or runners on the head that extend into the face (some exceptions may be made for putters); and • optical or electronic devices (ii) Woods and Irons • all features listed in (i) above; • cavities in the outline of the heel and/or the toe of the head that can be viewed from above; • severe or multiple cavities in the outline of the back of the head that can be viewed from above; • transparent material added to the head with the intention of 60ș Heel Toe Crown C B 0.875’ ’ Sole BackFac e AFig. VIII Appendix II 173Appendix II172 For traditionally shaped heads, these dimensions will be measured on horizontal lines between vertical projections of the outermost points of: • the heel and the toe of the head; • the heel and the toe of the face; and • the face and the back; and on vertical lines between the horizontal projections of the outermost points of the sole and the top of the head For unusually shaped heads, the toe to heel dimension may be made at the face c. Spring Effect and Dynamic Properties The design, material and/or construction of, or any treatment to, the clubhead (which includes the club face) must not: (i) have the effect of a spring which exceeds the limit set forth in the Pendulum Test Protocol on file with the R&A; or (ii) incorporate features or technology including, but not limited to, separate springs or spring features, that have the intent of, or the effect of, unduly influencing the clubhead’s spring effect; or (iii) unduly influence the movement of the ball Note: (i) above does not apply to putters d. Striking Faces The clubhead must have only one striking face, except that a putter may have two such faces if their characteristics are the same, and they are opposite each other 5. Club Face a. General The face of the club must be hard and rigid and must not impart significantly more or less spin to the ball than a standard steel face (some exceptions may be made for putters) Except for such markings listed below, the club face must be smooth and must not have any degree of concavity The volume of the clubhead must not exceed 460 cubic centimetres (2806 cubic inches), plus a tolerance of 10 cubic centimetres (061 cubic inches) When the club is in a 60 degree lie angle, the moment of inertia component around the vertical axis through the clubhead’s centre of gravity must not exceed 5900 g cm2 (32259 oz in2), plus a test tolerance of 100 g cm2 (0547 oz in2) (ii) Irons When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back (iii) Putters (see Fig. IX) When the clubhead is in its normal address position, the dimensions of the head must be such that: • the distance from the heel to the toe is greater than the distance from the face to the back; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the head is less than or equal to 7 inches (1778 mm); • the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to two thirds of the distance from the face to the back of the head; • the distance from the heel to the toe of the face is greater than or equal to half of the distance from the heel to the toe of the head; and • the distance from the sole to the top of the head, including any permitted features, is less than or equal to 25 inches (635 mm) Top View Face View Back A D CB Face A 7 B 2/3 C B 1/2 A A > C D 2.5 Fig. IX Appendix II 175Appendix II174 mm), using the 30 degree method of measurement on file with the R&A • The distance between edges of adjacent grooves (S) must not be less than three times the width of the grooves, and not less than 0075 inches (1905 mm) • The depth of each groove must not exceed 0020 inches (0508 mm) • *For clubs other than driving clubs, the cross-sectional area (A) of a groove divided by the groove pitch (W+S) must not exceed 00030 square inches per inch (00762 mm2/mm) (see Fig XII) • Grooves must not have sharp edges or raised lips • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, groove edges must be substantially in the form of a round having an effective radius which is not less than 0010 inches (0254 mm) when measured as shown in Fig XIII, and not greater than 0020 inches (0508 mm) Deviations in effective radius within 0001 inches (00254 mm) are permissible (ii) Punch Marks • The maximum dimension of any punch mark must not exceed 0075 inches (1905 mm) • The distance between adjacent punch marks (or between punch b. Impact Area Roughness and Material Except for markings specified in the following paragraphs, the surface roughness within the area where impact is intended (the “impact area”) must not exceed that of decorative sandblasting, or of fine milling (see Fig X) The whole of the impact area must be of the same material (exceptions may be made for clubheads made of wood) c. Impact Area Markings If a club has grooves and/or punch marks in the impact area they must meet the following specifications: (i) Grooves • Grooves must be straight and parallel • Grooves must have a symmetrical cross-section and have sides which do not converge (see Fig XI) • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, grooves must have a plain cross-section • The width, spacing and cross-section of the grooves must be consistent throughout the impact area (some exceptions may be made for woods) • The width (W) of each groove must not exceed 0035 inches (09 Illustrative impact area Fig. X *URRYHGHSWK PD[” *URRYHZLGWK PD[” $[LVRI 6\PPHWU\ &RQIRUPLQJ 1RQ&RQIRUPLQJ &RQYHUJLQJ $V\PPHWULF ƒƒ Fig. XI &RQIRUPLQJ 1RQ&RQIRUPLQJ 5 ” ” Fig. XIII Fig. XII A W + S 30° 30° < 0.0030in2 / in Appendix II / III 177Appendix II176 marks and grooves) must not be less than 0168 inches (427 mm), measured from centre to centre • The depth of any punch mark must not exceed 0040 inches (102 mm) • Punch marks must not have sharp edges or raised lips • *For clubs that have a loft angle greater than or equal to 25 degrees, punch mark edges must be substantially in the form of a round having an effective radius which is not less than 0010 inches (0254 mm) when measured as shown in Figure XIII, and not greater than 0020 inches (0508 mm) Deviations in effective radius within 0001 inches (00254 mm) are permissible Note 1: The groove and punch mark specifications above indicated by an asterisk (*) apply only to new models of clubs manufactured on or after 1 January 2010 and any club where the face markings have been purposely altered, for example, by re-grooving For further information on the status of clubs available before 1 January 2010, refer to the ‘‘Equipment Search’’ section of wwwrandaorg Note 2: The Committee may require, in the conditions of competition, that the clubs the player carries must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications above indicated by an asterisk (*) This condition is recommended only for competitions involving expert players For further information, refer to Decision 4-1/1 in ‘‘Decisions on the Rules of Golf’’ d. Decorative Markings The centre of the impact area may be indicated by a design within the boundary of a square whose sides are 0375 inches (953 mm) in length Such a design must not unduly influence the movement of the ball Decorative markings are permitted outside the impact area e. Non-Metallic Club Face Markings The above specifications do not apply to clubheads made of wood on which the impact area of the face is of a material of hardness less than the hardness of metal and whose loft angle is 24 degrees or less, but markings which could unduly influence the movement of the ball are prohibited f. Putter Face Markings Any markings on the face of a putter must not have sharp edges or raised lips The specifications with regard to roughness, material and markings in the impact area do not apply Appendix III – The Ball A player in doubt as to the conformity of a ball should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A samples of a ball to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether the ball conforms with the Rules The samples become the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit samples or, having submitted samples, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the ball, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that the ball does not conform with the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of the ball, together with specifications and interpretations Further information relating to these regulations and their proper interpretation is provided in “A Guide to the Rules on Clubs and Balls” Where a ball is required to meet a specification within the Rules, it must be designed and manufactured with the intention of meeting that specification 1. General The ball must not be substantially different from the traditional and customary form and make The material and construction of the ball must not be contrary to the purpose and intent of the Rules Appendix IV 179Appendix III / IV178 2. Weight The weight of the ball must not be greater than 1620 ounces avoirdupois (4593 g) 3. Size The diameter of the ball must not be less than 1680 inches (4267 mm) 4. Spherical Symmetry The ball must not be designed, manufactured or intentionally modified to have properties which differ from those of a spherically symmetrical ball 5. Initial Velocity The initial velocity of the ball must not exceed the limit specified under the conditions set forth in the Initial Velocity Standard for golf balls on file with the R&A 6. Overall Distance Standard The combined carry and roll of the ball, when tested on apparatus approved by the R&A, must not exceed the distance specified under the conditions set forth in the Overall Distance Standard for golf balls on file with the R&A Appendix IV – Devices and Other Equipment A player in doubt as to whether use of a device or other equipment would constitute a breach of the Rules should consult the R&A A manufacturer should submit to the R&A a sample of a device or other equipment to be manufactured for a ruling as to whether its use during a stipulated round would cause a player to be in breach of Rule 14-3 The sample becomes the property of the R&A for reference purposes If a manufacturer fails to submit a sample or, having submitted a sample, fails to await a ruling before manufacturing and/or marketing the device or other equipment, the manufacturer assumes the risk of a ruling that use of the device or other equipment would be contrary to the Rules The following paragraphs prescribe general regulations for the design of devices and other equipment, together with specifications and interpretations They should be read in conjunction with Rule 11-1 (Teeing) and Rule 14-3 (Artificial Devices, Unusual Equipment and Abnormal Use of Equipment) 1. Tees (Rule 11) A tee is a device designed to raise the ball off the ground A tee must not: • be longer than 4 inches (1016 mm); • be designed or manufactured in such a way that it could indicate line of play; • unduly influence the movement of the ball; or • otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 2. Gloves (Rule 14-3) Gloves may be worn to assist the player in gripping the club, provided they are plain A “plain” glove must: • consist of a fitted covering of the hand with a separate sheath or opening for each digit (fingers and thumb); and • be made of smooth materials on the full palm and gripping surface of the digits A “plain” glove must not incorporate: • material on the gripping surface or inside of the glove, the primary purpose of which is to provide padding or which has the effect of providing padding Padding is defined as an area of glove material which is more than 0025 inches (0635 mm) thicker than the adjacent areas of the glove without the added material; Appendix IV 181Appendix IV180 Note: Material may be added for wear resistance, moisture absorption or other functional purposes, provided it does not exceed the definition of padding (see above) • straps to assist in preventing the club from slipping or to attach the hand to the club; • any means of binding digits together; • material on the glove that adheres to material on the grip; • features, other than visual aids, designed to assist the player in placing his hands in a consistent and/or specific position on the grip; • weight to assist the player in making a stroke; • any feature that might restrict the movement of a joint; or • any other feature that might assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 3. Shoes (Rule 14-3) Shoes that assist the player in obtaining a firm stance may be worn Subject to the conditions of competition, features such as spikes on the sole are permitted, but shoes must not incorporate features: • designed to assist the player in taking his stance and/or building a stance; • designed to assist the player with his alignment; or • that might otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play 4. Clothing (Rule 14-3) Articles of clothing must not incorporate features: • designed to assist the player with his alignment; or • that might otherwise assist the player in making a stroke or in his play -->
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